Good morning. I hope you are having a great day. May I fix that? > There seems to be a serious? issue with Jewish dates back in history. While there are 360 days in a Jewish year, there really are not. Every "several" years, when an additional month is added to the Hebrew calendar to align with the Solar Gentile calendar, the actual Hebrew year over history has 365 1/4 days. However, everyone seems to ignore this obvious fact, which makes actual ancient dates really confusing when trying to figure it out exactly! For instance, Ezekiel ch4:4-6 says Israel and Judah will be chastized 480 years, beginning with the Babylonian captivity about 606BCE. After the 70-year captivity, there were 360 years left. Interesting. Moses says if the Jews did not repent, that 360 years would be multiplied by seven, giving 2520 360 day years, 907,200 days, ending in May 1948. The thing is, however, 2520 ACTUAL Hebrew years had the same number of days as the Gentile calendar, making 2520 Hebrew years after 536BCE being the final return in 1984 instead of 1948! You see the problem! Hope your head isn't hurting too much by now? Now, while I know GOD had this all figured out, has anyone else? Thank you, Lewis Brackett in San Diego Ca.