Lewis Brackett (2 Feb 2025)
"Trump's Tech AI billionaires enabling Revelation's mark"

  Tom Hughes is so smart ...  because he agrees with me ? >
Yesterday the 27th Tom's "hope for our times" program showcased how
Trump's three tech billionaires are enabling Revelation's total
computer control of everyone everywhere. The social credit score, mark
of the beast, green saving the planet score with His initiative to
quickly build out several AI super computers.  These will have their
own self-contained power supplies, likely nuclear reactors.
   All these "gateway" super computers will be ready in time for mid
trib's trotting out the mark!  Of course, Bill Gates chimed in saying
(paraphrased) to get with it already, as we the sheeple need to be
controlled, and all stuffed into the smallest shoebox possible to save
the planet.
   Of course, Bill's shoebox will be "chestnuts roasting over an open
fire" but with no Jack Frost ... soon enough, with angels toasting