Olav,Thank you very much for writing to me.Yes, over the years I have had some questions about the ten kings.I had been taught different things, by different people, even early on, after I was saved.I had wondered about the possibility that Gary Stearman had presented, and so I asked about it.It is not what I was taught, nor yet what I have believed over the years.But it brought up some intriguing questions.I can see that it is something that you necessarily agree with.For the most part, over the years, I have considered that the ten kings, represented by the ten horns, are mostly likely related to the ten toes on image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream.And that the ten toes were five on the foot of one leg, and five on the foot of the other leg.That higher up on the image, the legs of iron represented a world kingdom, that I, like many others, consider that to be the Roman empire.But that the Roman empire ended up as being made up of the western empire and the eastern empire, with the eastern Byzantine part, out lasting the western part.And that in the last days, the ten kings would come from the remnant of the old Roman empire, both the western and eastern part, five kings from each part.That may not line up with how you see this unfolding, but I claim no certainty of the accuracy of what I understand it to be - you may be totally correct.
By the way, when you mentioned:"The WTO assigns every salable Item with a Bar Code (0-9)||123456||123456The FIRST Digit (0-9) are the 10 Divisions of WORLD TRADE.Look at your Groceries BAR CODES. The USA has (0) ZERO."You have brought up some interesting things about the bar codes, that I had not known before.
Others have mentioned the bar codes to me in the past, but not informatively like you have.Sadly, those people, perhaps without realizing it, scared the daylight out of new Christians.Not long after I was saved, I remember handing out gospel tracts in front of a grocery store.A Chicago chain, at that time, began to experiment with a new technology, at one of their stores (the same store).That was, if I remember correctly, the first trial of bar codes, at least in Chicagoland (that was a long time ago).Quickly, Christians began warning us that the bar code was the mark of the beast, because of a pseudo 666 type system that it supposedly used.Oh no! It was too late for some, who had already bought some things scanned with the bar code - therefore they were doomed - they had taken the mark of the beast.Sometime later, Visa charge cards were being made available for people to use to charge things, and to pay later.Again, quickly, Christians warned us that the Visa card was the mark of the beast.Oh no! It was too late for some, they had already gotten a Visa card - therefore they were doomed - they had taken the mark of the beast.Then, a few years ago, the shot heard round the world, became available.Again, quickly, Christians warned that the shot was the mark of the beast.Well, if they escaped the lake of fire by not buying things swiped with a bar code, and escaped by not having a Visa card, they were at least doomed if they took the shot.Although I wrote about this sarcastically, it was no joke at the time, some people really believed these things to have been the mark of the beast.Sadly, what about people who believed them, but had already done what was warned to be the mark of the beast?Once someone is convinced that they have gone too far, and taken the mark of the beast, how difficult is it to subsequently convince them that it wasn't what they thought, after all?