Gino (9 Feb 2025)
"RE: Nansings: 02.02.25"

Thank you for writing to me.
Unless I totally forgot about some different letters that we wrote to each other, I only remember that you and I had been discussing the subject of preexistence.
It may have been others that may have been discussing NDEs with you.
A while back, I had mentioned to someone on FiveDoves that I met a man here in my town who told me of his personal NDE.
In his case, after his NDE, he began telling people about Jesus, so his account didn't strike me as something fearful or bad.
However, I am not obligated to pass on things he claimed, nor yet to necessarily believe his account, myself.
All I know is that he claims to have had a NDE, and now he tells people about Jesus.
I can neither prove or nor disprove the experiences that people claim that they have had.
However, if what someone claims, appears to be somewhat different from, or possibly at odds with, things that I believe from the scriptures, I try to stay away from it.
Additionally, I've sadly had my own share of spooky experiences at various times in my life - I can't deny them, but I can certainly move on, away, passed from them.

As to the scriptural accounts that you mentioned, like Paul, or another not in your list, Jonah - they clearly had something remarkable happen.
Yet, what Paul wrote about it in II Corinthians, and what was written about Jonah, in the scriptures, is the inspired word of God by the Holy Ghost.
The men aren't inspired men, and the experiences aren't inspired experiences, but the words written about it, in II Corinthians and Jonah, are inspired.

It is not my job to tell people to believe or not believe other people's experiences.
But what is for me to do, is to tell the gospel, from the scriptures.

I Corinthians 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

  4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
