Douglas,I remember hearing about Efraine Rodriguez, and the large impact near Puerto Rico.Shortly prior to his speaking about his, I had moved back to the mainland, from St Croix, US Virgin Islands.The island is very close to Puerto Rico, and on a clear day, some of the mountains on Puerto Rico were visible from St Croix.The company I worked for closed their refinery on the island, and relocated a number of employees to the mainland.All the people I had come to know and love on the island, especially at the church, flooded my mind when I heard about Efraine Rodriguez.I heard about this back in 2014, and really hoped that wasn't going to happen.Apparently, even NASA got involved with this, and issued a claim to disagree with Efraine Rodriguez: NASA addressed claimSo, it didn't happen in 2015, but was it supposed to be 2025? I really hope not.Here on FiveDoves, only 5½ years ago, Jerry Taylor referred to this as still future to October 2020: Jerry TaylorSo, I really hope that it is still not a future judgment.