Gerry Almond (2 Feb 2025)

January 31, 2025


Things have been heating up for some time now among God's watchers. The latest seem to put our time to depart this earth as now.

Israel became a conception in the eyes of men on May 11, 1948. That day, the first Jewish delegates ever, took seats in the United Nations great hall. Three days later, on May 14, 1948, David Ben Gurion declared the creation of modern Israel in that same great chamber.

Exactly 280 days after the first Jewish delegates took seats, on May 11, 1948, Israel was born. The date was February 14, 1949, the Feast of the New Year of Trees. In America, that date was Valentines Day. Exactly 280 days after it's creation on May 11, 1948, the Knesset was formed and exactly 280 days later, on May 14, 1948, Israel elected its first Prime Minister, Mr. David Ben Gurion.

Jerusalem was again a Jewish city on June 6, 1967. This was seen as a major step to making Israel whole again. In 2025, Israel will be 76 years of age from 1949 and 77 years of age from 1948. Jerusalem will have been in Jewish hands for 58 years.

With America's support, Israel may now be very close to being able to say “Peace and safety”. A cease fire has occurred, stopping the October 7, 2023 war on Hamas in the Gaza strip. They will say that phrase immediately after we are taken, according to the letter of the Apostle Paul titled I Thessalonians found in chapter 4 and verse 16 down to chapter 5, verse 3.

Since birth, Israel has survived much for 76 years now. There remains perhaps only the prophesied time given through the prophet, Daniel. This would be the time of antichrist rule over the land God gave to Abraham.

Theologically speaking, events on earth seem to reflect events in heaven in some cases. One example is war in heaven. To define that time element, I have stayed with three weeks because that count is Scriptural as found in Daniel 10. So, 21 days has been a key count of days. It is my belief that there will be war in heaven just before our rapture. Just as Satan tried to prevent the release of the Jewish captives from Babylon in Daniel's day, so he probably will try to prevent the resurrection and rapture of the dead in Christ and the living saints. The question is, when might this war in heaven be?

The world witnessed the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States, Incorporated on January 20, 2025. (Congress incorporated the nation of America in 1871 without a referendum of the populace). With that act, America ceased to be a Constitutional Republic. At inauguration, what was largely unnoticed in the ceremony, was that Trump did not place his hand on the Holy Bible. He kept it at his side. I am thinking that the report on the site, “Restored Republic”, correctly gave his inauguration day as January 16, 2025 and as the President of the Republic of the United States, not the United States of America, Incorporated. Watchers before have said that there would be no President 46, If Biden was illegal, and Trump unreal, then the messages were and are true. Trump would be the President of the Republic of America. I think either 17th or 19th.

I am going to present a scenario beginning with what may be the true inauguration of President Trump, using January 16 instead of January 20. I suggest that war in heaven may have begun when Trump was sworn in using God's Holy Bible on January 16, 2025. Satan saw the need to stop God's plan once again. That war in heaven would last 21 days and go to February 6/7, 2025 which could be our rapture day. That is on a Thursday, as prophesied by Brother Charles. If I add to that the 120 days of soul harvesting by the left behind Laodicean Church, I come to June 6, 2025.

This is the anniversary of at least two major, major events in history. The first is

D-Day, the invasion to end the war in Europe on June 6, 1944. The second is the war to free Jerusalem, Israel on June 6, 1967. Both events broke the power of Satan. This could be the first of 120 freedom days for the teeming multitudes of human souls as seen in Revelation 7 also as Satan's power is once again broken. The Laodicea Church work may begin and end on these dates.

I think it is may also be noteworthy that June 6, 2025 will be the 144th day of the 280 days count that began January 13, 2025. Perhaps a reference to the 144,000 sealed Jewish witnesses, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes, testifying to the Jewish population.

It is noteworthy June 5/6 is on a Thursday/Friday in 2025.

Praying. Watching, Hoping. Not sure, of course.


Gerry Almond