Hi John and Doves,The earthquakes in Santorini have been big news over the last few weeks. Non-stop earthquakes and tremors have been occurring since January 27th. Thousands of people are being evacuated, as we speak. Geologists are warning of an impending 'Big One'. Israel is now preparing for a possible tsunami that would impact Israel should this 'Big One' happen. See the 1st link.
I have used an Al Jazeera link as it was the latest news regarding the Santorini earthquakes as I was writing. It's all very scary for the residents of these Greek islands. See link below.
I find this all playing into end time prophecy. Revelation 12:15 tells us that the serpent spewed out water, like a river, to overtake the woman (Israel) and sweep her away with the torrent. Please see link below. As I have written before - this sure sounds like a tsunami to me!
This is well worth keeping a watchful eye.
Please come soon, LORD Jesus.