Fay (2 Feb 2025)
"Chance re Colossus"

Hi Chance,

Such a clear-cut and wonderfully written post. Linked below.

This is exactly why scripture (Almighty God's Word) instructs us not to be fearful. These (s'cuse language) crappy machines are just that. Prone to decay and entropy. Prone to mistakes and injustice. Just cheap and tacky. No matter how shiny - even if covered in gold and diamonds - it's just that......a machine. With no soul. The only people this tacky machine is going to fool is people that want to be fooled. The powers-that-be will try and sell us this godless machine as all-knowing but they are destined to fail. The only people it will fool are the truly clueless, soulless, damned idiots. This sort of idiotic, man-made technology will only prevail over the lost. It may, initially, appeal to people as a saviour of sorts. But, it will soon become apparent that it is as useless as our current leaders are. I don't fear it because scripture tells us not to fear. We will know evil by it's fruits.

I don't know about everyone else, but I strongly sense that the world's people are finally waking up to the corruption we have lived with for thousands of years. We are not meant to be slaves to increasingly squeezed pay cheques. Which forces us all to focus on material gain instead of our spiritual condition. Gen Z, who get such a bad rap via mainstream media, are actually rather smart. Knowledge has been increased - as scripture promises. They are not as naïve as the previous generation. They are tech-savvy. They are also very aware of the weaknesses of technology. How it can be manipulated by a purposeful agenda. Gen Z  (as a whole)  are smart cookies! We are led to believe that they are tech obsessed. Drug obsessed. Celebrity obsessed. The truth is the opposite - no matter how badly the media portray them. Just check out current YT videos. They are full of natural remedies and wisdom. It's my opinion that Gen Z are a very blessed generation. They are also the generation that are politically active. Full of energy. They voted for Trump. They are fed up with corruption. The mainstream media are hell-bent on making them out to be anti-Semetic monsters. All these university demonstrations are attended by paid-for rent-a-crowds. Of course, the odd simpleton will climb on the bandwagon, just because. Also - the muslims are keeping our western universities going. Arab money keeps being pumped in and gaining influence. It's all such a farce.

This is why the world is becoming increasingly lawless and confusing. We are being shown just how USELESS we are without God.

Thank you for your amazing posts, Chance.
