Fay (2 Feb 2025)
"This sounds Like the
Resurrection of the Dead"
Hi John and Doves,
I am convinced that Ezekiel 37 sounds very much like the
resurrection of the dead. Ezekiel 37: 12- 14 specifically
tells us this:- " My people, I am going to OPEN YOUR
GRAVES and bring you up from them......" The way Ezekiel 37 is
written, I am convinced that this is way more than the
re-gathering of living people.
Unless one delves into the reincarnation theory, this is
obviously talking about the resurrection of the dead. This has
never happened before, in Biblical history. Not en masse. If we
take prophecy chronologically, this resurrection of the dead
occurs prior to the Gog/Magog war of Ezekiel 38. Of course, as
we all know, from 1 Thessalonians 13-18, that immediately after
the resurrection of the dead - the rapture happens.
Does this mean that our LORD Jesus arrives back on earth prior
to the Gog/Magog war? I believe it does. I have come to believe,
more and more (from scripture) that Ezekiel 38 occurs because
all the nations unite to attack Israel to fight our Messiah
Jesus - who has arrived back on earth. Messiah Jesus has arrived
back because of the Muslim attack of Psalm 83. It's time for
Israel's redemption. The satanically controlled nations unite to
do battle against The Lamb - as per Revelation 17. As I
have urged before - take particular note of Rev 17:14
Let's reason together. The nations unite to attack Israel for a
profound reason. The nations do so because the people left
behind (after the resurrection of the dead and the rapture) are
not yet believers. Or are the progeny of Satan. This attack can
only happen if the warring, attacking nations are of 'one mind'.
Because all the good people have gone. How powerful is that?
Remember - we are all living semi-normal lives prior to the
rapture. We will all be eating and drinking properly (no
real famine). Marrying and giving in marriage - which means we
will still have free-will. Until the 'flood' comes. These
are our LORD Jesus' words in Matthew 24: 38-41 re the end times.
I have linked the entire chapter below.
Reading Ezekiel 38 - this war is to bring the nations down to
Israel - via a 'Hook in the jaw'. Israel is thinking they are
finally at peace. Israel has rid themselves of their Islamic
enemies. Israel believes they can now live in peace with
unwalled villages etc. Their (our) Messiah has arrived.
Then, Ezekiel 38 occurs. Once there, the nations are
obliterated. Got rid of! Annihilated! Kaput!.
Fini ! End of! This war is to punish the nations who
make war against the Lamb of God. The nations who object to the
prophesied rule of our LORD Jesus . Ezekiel 38 is about the
punishment of the earthly enemies of God. The last gasp and
desperate attempt of satanically ruled governments, to retain
power over our earth.
I realise that the above scenario does not fit into established
beliefs. I also believe that we don't have much longer to wait
for the prophesied Islamic attack of Psalm 83. The way things
are going with the re-establishment of DJT as POTUS, the Arab
world is increasingly panicked. The carefully constructed lie of
the 'two state solution' is now dead in the water. POTUS is
talking about Egypt, Jordan, Indonesia, taking in the so-called
Palestinians. Trumps reasoning is sound. Why bother re-building
Gaza if it's simply going to be obliterated again via the rule
of Hamas? Gaza is prime real estate land. DJT is a businessman -
a real-estate expert. Gaza has the potential for a
fantastic Mediterranean, coastal resort. Why would a brilliant
businessman like Trump, throw good money after bad?
Rebuilding for the destructive Palestinians? He won't, is the
We live in very perilous times. Things are about to happen in
rapid succession.
Please come soon, LORD Jesus.