Donna Danna (9 Feb 2025)
"TO GINO:  When Are The Tares Cast Into The Fire"

This is in reply to your 2/02 post When do they gather them out? As I see it, there are only 2 times that the tares are thrown into a furnace of fire.  The first time would be at the beginning of Jesus' millennium kingdom when Jesus returns with His angels to set up his kingdom on Earth when the sheep (wheat) are separated from the goats (tares) with the goats going into everlasting fire which would be the lake of fire in Matthew 25:41. The second time would be at the great white throne judgment at the end of Jesus' millenium kingdom when whosoever was not found written in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire according to Rev. 20:15.

As for any tares in the church, they would be left behind to go through the great tribulation of 1,260 days in order to give them time to repent.