__The Man Who Knew Infinite Power (Jesus)!!
To John Thank you for your latest letter: The Apocalyptic Quotient. Although your mathematical skills are way above mine, the logic of the numbers and the implications came through clearly! Quite remarkable, especially when put together with your other recent letters!!
A week or so ago, I was watching a movie: The Man Who Knew Infinity, the true story of an amazing Indian mathematician (Srinivasa Ramanujan). Inspiring! When reading your latest letter, I reflected on your mathematical skills enhanced by the leading of the Holy Spirit. The world is very unsettled, and the emergence of the Antichrist certainly seems imminent!
I have also reflected on the contrast between the Antichrist, who will rely on his own will and power (Satanically sourced), and the life and miracles of Jesus: the Man Who Knew Infinite Power, not because of His own power but through total reliance on His Father. In John 5:19 we read: the Son can do NOTHING of Himself, but what He sees the Father do!!
When you divide any number by 0, it will result in INFINITY. In contrast to the Antichrist, Jesus considered that He had zero power of His own!! This total reliance on the Father was, and still is, the source of His Infinite Power!!
Denis in Canberra!!
Thanks for sharing the movie, Denis!