David E (9 Feb 2025)


When God = 26 Satan = 55

In Reverse

God = 55 and Satan = 80

80+55 = 135 and 135+531 = 666

God 26 + God 71 = 97

The 97th prime is 509

509 = 163+165+181

Barack Hussein Obama = 163
Barack Hussein Obama II = 165
Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181

Born day 216 and 149 days remain.   Judas Iscariot = 149

Since God * Jesus 26*74 = 1924.  Obama was born at 1924 hours.

Satan * God = 1430

Counting 1430 to 1260 = 171, Barry Soetoro

1430-1430 backward = 1089

1089 is the prime range 181

Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181

When Satan = Donald John Trump (185) EO.

God = 71 (Prime Ordinals)

The 71st triangle is 2556

2556-2028 = 528

Rev 22:21 the verse sums to 528 when God = 26

528 is 825 backward and 8:25 pm is 2025 hours

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. = 528 (EO)

When God = 71

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. = 3885

3885 = 1924 + 1961

Barry was born in 1961 at 1924 hours

Tik Tok = 509 when 

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.   = 1924 + 1961

Tik Tok