The sum of the digits of 2 to the 2454 = 3241
Counting 3241 t0 1318 = 1924
3*2*4*1 = 42 backward
181 is the 42nd prime
3+2+4+1 = 10
181-10 = 171
Barry Soetoro = 171Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181Barack was born at 1924 hours
Counting 3241 to 1621 = 1621
1621 is the 257th prime
Genesis 25 7 is verse 666
257 is the 55th prime
Satan = 55
Counting 3241 to 3637 = 793 backward
3637 is the 509th prime
509= 163+165+181
Between 3241 and 1423 = 1817
1817 hours is 6:17 pm 1777 hours
2028-1777 = 251
2:51 = 171 minutes
3241 - 1020 (Numbers 10:20) = 2221
22*21 = 462
4:62 = 5:02
205 backward
Day 205 is 7 24
7:24 pm is 1924 hours
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