Hell = 37 when Paradise = 73
Then God = 26 and 2 6 is day 37
It follows Jesus = 74 and 7 4 is day 37+37+37+37+37
Judas Iscariot is the antagonist within the New Testament.
Judss Iscariot = 149
Counting 37 to 37+37+37+37+37 = 149
If Judas = 55 then Satan 55
Since 2 6 is day 37
14 9 is day 257
Genesis 25 7 is verse 666
The subject is 175
17 5 is day 137
Washington DC = 137
Day 137, 228 day's remain in the year
United States of America = 228
228+137 = 73+73+73+73+73
July 4th is day 37+37+37+37+37
The highest Freemasonry rank is 12 + 21
37 and 73 are the 12th and 21st primes
12 + 21 = 33
137 is the 33rd prime
Washington DC = 137
Revelations 13:18 is verse 175 from the end.
13×18 = 234
Day 234 is 22 8
United States of America = 228
234+432 = 666
The subject Genesis 25 7 is 175
Genesis 25 7 is verse 666
There are 50 States
50+50 backward is 55
Satan = 55
Washington DC = 137
The 33rd prime
Donald John Trump was born day 33+33+33+33+33
Donald John Trump = 37+37+37+37+37
Barack Hussein Obama II = 33+33+33+33+33
Barack was born at 1924 hours on day 216 in 1961
Counting 1776 to 1924 = Judas Iscariot
1776 + 37+37+37+37+37 = 1961
1924 + 37 = 1961
Day 216, 6×6×6 and Judss Iscariot remains (149)
1961 + Beast = 2008 election
Forty-seven = 149
One hundred forty-nine = 13×18
13×18 = 234
Day 6×6×6+6+6+6 = 234
Day 234 is 22 8
United States of America = 228
Day 228, 137 days remain
Washington DC = 137
13 7 Trump was shot in the head
13 7 in 2024 was day 165 upside down
Trump was born day 165
Day 195, 171 days remain
Barry Soetoro = 171
1:71 = 2:11
211 is the 47th prime
2 11 is day 42
The 42nd prime is 181
Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181
4 7 is day 97
The 97th prime is 509
509 = 163+165+181
Barack Hussein Obama = 163Barack Hussein Obama II = 165Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181
U S A = 41
41 +14 = SatanTik Tok