David E (2 Feb 2025)


Revelation 13:18 is verse 30927.  30927 is prime range 3333.
3+3+3+3 = 12
3*3*3*3 = 81
1318-1281 = 37
Hell = 37
Donald John Trump = 185
Barack Hussein Obama = 163
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201
Their respective birthdays:  165, 216, and 351
185+163+201+165+216+351 = 1281
1281 hours is 1321 pm
1321 is the 216th prime
On day 216 the Beast was born.
Jorge is the current and final Pope.
Trump is the 7th King
Obama is the 8th King.
1281 + 666 = 1947
1947 hours is 7:47 pm
Beast = 47
2028-1281 = 747

1281 is 1821 backward, 1+821 = 822. 822+666 = 1488

1488 hours = 3:28 pm

God + Jesus Christ + Holy Spirit = 328

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