David E (2 Feb 2025)
"The Devils Castle (DC)"


Washington DC = 137  when United States of America = 228

137+228 = 73+73+73+73+73

7 3 in 1776 was day 185 (7 4)

185 = 37+37+37+37+37

60+60+60 days remained in the year

1776 = 592+592+592.  And 5 92 is 29 5 backward day 149, 216 days remain 6*6*6

Judas Iscariot = 149

Day 137 is 17 5.   Revelation 13:18 is verse 175 from the end

Day 137, 228 days remain.   United States of America = 228

22 8 is day 13*18 or 234 and 234+432 = 666

23 4 is day 113 and 1:13 pm is the 793rd minute

One hundred forty-nine = 13*18 and Revelation = 149 in reverse

Beast 47 and forty-seven = 149

Switch it up!

Washington DC = 992 when Barack Hussein Obama = 793 and 793 minutes 13:13 hours

13+13)*793 = 30927 and Revelation 13:18 is verse 30,927

United States of America = 1389

1389-992 (Washington DC) = 793 backward

1389+992 = 2381.  2381 hours is 0021 

There are 1440 minutes in a day.  1440-21 = 1419

1419 hours is 2:19 pm and 219 = 73+73+73 and 216 upsides down.  6 12 is day 163. BHO = 163 when WDC=137)

The 21st prime is 73, the 12th is 37, The 73rd 367, the 37th 157.

367+157 = 163+361

3:67 is 4:07 day 185

Counting 407 + 157 = 564. 564-509 = Satan (55)

When 509 = 163+165+181 or BHO + BHO2 + BHOii

21 minutes then 365 becomes 4:05

426 minutes

Between 426 and 328 = 97

The 97th prime is 509

328 = 26+151+151 or God + JC + HS

992 and 9:92 is 10:32 pm and 1:37 pm is 1337 hours.  1+032 is 33 and 137 is the 33rd prime.

1337-1032 = 305

185 minutes is 3:05

9:92 is 2232 hours.  2+232 = 234 and day 234 is 22 8.  United States of America = 228.  234 = 13*18

1389 is 1429 hours and 2:28 is 1428 hours

1429-1428 = 1

1+305 = 405

4:05 = 3:65 and 365 = 228+137

305 - 1 = 205

Day 205 is 7 24 and 7:24 pm Obama was born

1:65 = 205

BHO2 = 165

Devil's Castle = 887 when BHO = 793

Judas Iscariot = 887

887-666 = 221.  2:21 is 1:81 and BHOii = 181 when BHO2 = 165

BHO2+BHO = 328

887 = 163 (BHO) = 724, 7 24 pm BHO was born

Barry Soetoro = 1458 when BHO = 793

Counting 1458 to 793 = 666

1776 + 185 (day 185 is July 4th) = 1961 the year BHO was born.

1924 + Hell (37) = 1961

1961 + Beast (47) = 2008 election

4 7 is day 97, and 509 is the 97th prime

1776 + 252 = 2028.. 252 = 12 * 21

1776-1221 = 185+185+185

2028 hours is 8:28 pm and 828 = 216+612, 6 12 is day 163  (BHO)

Counting 828 to 163 = 666

8+28 = 36 and the 36th triangle number is 666

8+2+8 = 18 and 8*2*8 = 128

128+18 = 146.  14 6 is day 165 (BHO2)

137 is the 33rd prime and 165 = 33+33+33+33+33

The 33rd triangle is 165 backward

Revelation 13:18 is verse 30,927

30,927 is the 3333th prime range

Counting 3637 the 509th prime to 3333 = 305

3:05 is 185 minutes

There are 39 OT and 27 NT

3927.  3+927 = 930 and Adam lived 930 years

3:28 pm is 1528 hours

Counting 1528 to 3927 = 2400 hours

42 backward, 181 is the 42nd prime.   181 = BHOii

39 27?

72+93 = 165 or BHO2

72*93 = 6696

Counting 6696 to 1724 = 4973

4973 is the 666th prime

1724 hours is 5:24 pm and 524 = 163 + 163 backward or BHO

1+724 = 725,  his first full minute on Earth was 7:25 pm

1776 + Judas Iscariot (149)  = 1925, 1925 hours is 7:25 pm

7 25 is 25 7

Genesis 25 7 is verse 666

257 is 55th prime and Satan = 55

The subject is 175

17 5 is day 137

Washington DC = 137

Devil's Castle = 163 upside down and reverse EO

Or when Revelation = Judas Iscariot (149)

The "Devils Town" = 176 and 1:76 = 2:16

176 = 97+79 and 509 is the 97th prime

The Devil's Town in reverse EO = 175!

The District of Columbia = 6*6*6

The District of Columbia = 1242 (SG)

1242 + 137+228 = 1607

1607 hours is 4 07, 4 07 is day 97, and day 185 is 7 04

1+242 = 243 and 2:43 = 163 minutes

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr = 243

2+421 = 423 and 4 23 is day 113,  1:13 pm is the 793rd minute

423+243 = 666

Counting 423 to 243  = 181 or BHOii

4*2*3 = 42 backward.  181 is the 42nd prime

42+24 = 66 and 6 6 is day 157 the 37th prime

666-157 = 509

Sixty-six = 149

14 9 is day 257 the Satan's prime (55)

911 Twin Towers 1776 feet tall tower replaced them.

111 days remained in the year.   Day 111 is 4 21

4:21 pm is 1621 hours.  1621 is the 257th prime

162+1 = 163 the 38th prime

216 + 38 is day 254, 911

Death = 38

Thirty-eight = 149

1776 - (137+228) = 1411. 1411 hours is 2:11 pm. 211 is the 47th prime. Beast = 47.

Forty-seven = 149

1+411 = 412  4 12 is 21 4 backward, day Hell + Hell + Hell (37)

1776 and 1+776 = 777

7*7*7+7+7+7 = 463 backward.

4:63 is 305 backward.  3:05 is 185 minutes

1776+6771 = 8547.   8+547 = 185+185+185

581+581+581 = 1743

1924-1743 = 181.  BHOii = 181 and was born 1924 hours.

1961-1743 = Satan+BHO

Steve W days 109 and 274

2:74 is 1514 hours.   1:09 is 1309 hours

1514-1309 = 205. Day 205 is 7 24

1+514 = 515 and 1+309 = 310

515+310 = 825

8:25 pm is 2025 hours

Day 109 2025 + 1260 days = day 274 2028

515-310 = 205. Day 205 is 7 24

5 15 is day 135 and 3 10 is day 69

Between days 205 and 135 is 69

135-69 = 66.   Sixty-six = 149. 

205+66 = 172 backward.  Day 173 is 21 6, 6 12 backward.  BHO

Between 205 and 149 is Satan (55)

Lucifer = 74

74+47 = 121.  1:21 pm is 1321 hours the 216th prime

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