David E (2 Feb 2025)

Exodus 3:14

And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.

3 14 is day 73

3*14 = 42

The 42nd prime is 181

73 * 42 = 3066. 3066 hours is 1 day and 06:66

3066-2400 = 666

37*24 = 888

8+8+8 = 24 and 6+6+6 = 18.  18+24 = 42

I AM THAT I AM = 509 when Tik Tok = 509

And when Donald John Trump = 977, the 165th prime, and when Barack Hussein Obama = 793

I AM THAT I AM = 175 when Revelation = 149

Revelation 13:18 is verse 175 from the end.

And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you

= 7822 when I AM THAT I AM = 509.

Revelation 13:18 is verse 7782

7822 and 7+822 = 829 and 8:29 pm is 2029 hours

7+782 = 789 and 7:89 pm is 8:29 pm 2029 hours

7822 hours - 1705 hours (5:09 pm) = 6113 hours

6113-2400-2400 = 1313 hours

1313 hours is the 793rd minute

Exodus 3:14 and 3:14 pm is 1514 hours

1514+1313 = 2400 = 724 backward

72*4 =288. 509-288 = 221

2:21 is 1:81

Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181, born 7:24 pm

163+165+181 = 509  (EO)

BHO + BHO2 + BHOii

288 is 28 8 day 240 and two hundred forty = 216 and 240 is 42 backward.  181 is the 42nd prime.

4050 - 3637 = 314 backward

3637 is the 509th prime

4050 is the sum of the digits of the repeating decimal 1/3637

The last three numbers before it repeats are 724 backward

The first six numbers are 000274

Day 274 

God * Jesus = 1924 and Barack was born 1924 hours

And when  I AM THAT I AM = 509, GOD = 71

And when BHO+BHO2+BHOii = 509 God = 26

26+71 = 97

509 is the 97th prime and day 97 is 4 7

Beast = 47

211 is the 47th prime and 2 11 is day 42, 181 is the 42nd prime

Then Barry Soetoro = 171

1:71 is 2:11

171+181 = 253 backward, the 7th star number

253+352 = 509 backward and upside down

509 is the 97th prime

Counting 253 to 352 = God + Jesus

God * Jesus = 1924

Between God + Jesus and 825 is 724

8:25 pm is 2025 hours

2025 + 2025 = 4050 the sum of the repeating decimal:  1/3637

3637 is the 509th prime

36*37 = 666+666

73+63 = 136

509-136 =  373 the 74th prime

631 and 6:31 pm is 18:31 hours

1831-1709 = 122

2:21 is 1:81

1709 hours is 509 pm

163+165 = 328

328 = God + Jesus Christ + Holy Spirit

157+171 = 328. 157 is the 37th prime

666-157 = 509

Between 666 and 181 is 484 and 8 4 is day 216

882-666 = 216

509-882 backward = 221, 2:21 is 1:81

4050 + 882 = 4932

The 328th prime is 2203.  2+203 = 205 and day 205 is 7 24

1/2203 is a repeating decimal summing to 4932

882-509 = 373

882-474= 804 backward, 8 04, day 216

474 = 101 + 373 and 101 is the 26th prime God = 26, Jesus = 74 and the 74th prime is 373

882-747 = 135 and 135+531 = 666

Day 135 and 135-97 = 38 and the 38th prime is 163

Between 135 and 97 backward is Satan (55)

257 the 55th prime - 135 = 221 backward

2:21 is 1:81

135+181 = 316 and 3 16 is 16 3

408-135 = 273

135-109 = God (26)

Days 109 and 273/274

109+274 = 383 and 163 is the 38th prime

1260 days 109 2025 to 273/274 2028

2028 hours is 8:28 pm

828 = 216+612 and 6 12 is day 163

Counting 666 to 828 = 163

Tik Tok = 509 when BHO = 793 and 86 when BHO = 163

509-86 = 423

4 23 is day 113 and 1:13 pm 1313 hours is the 793rd minute

793 is 397 backward the 78th prime

Jesus is 78 from God

78+87 = 165

7887-3637 the 509th prime = 524 backward

524 = 163+163 backward

524 = 157 + 367 the 37th and 73rd primes

666-157 = 509

7887-6771 = 1111

7+887 = 894

894-509 = 385

3:85 is 4:25 524 backward.  163+361

78*87 = 6,876 backward

6+876 = 882

882-666 = 216

Tik Tok