Interested readers -
I’ve been posting on the number 1967 (the Israel Six Day War) and it’s variants this year such as found here:
Jesus on the Israel Battlefield, 1967 variantsMore Jesus-Central 1967 variants, same methodNow it’s showing up in other places.Here are examples.
Example 1)The Six Day War day number total.
Israel’s Six Day War occurred on June 5, 1967 through June 10, 1967. 1967 was a non-leap year so those day numbers are 156 through 161.
The total of those six day numbers = 951951 = (3 x 317).
317 is the 67th prime number !
Example 2)Inclusive daycount: Israel statehood declaration day through the last day of the Six Day War.
Israel declared its statehood on May 14, 1948.Israel’s final day of victory in the Six Day War was June 10, 1967.
Inclusive day count from May 14, 1948 through June 10, 1967 totals …
Last two digits (what I label the “suffix”) of the four digit number are 67.
I’m confident that is an exact witness.
Example 3)The author of the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
The first appearance of the name “Luke” in the New Testament is Colossians 4:14:“Luke the beloved physician and Demas greet you”
In this verse the name Luke is word (3).Gematria total for words 1, 2, and 3 are:605 + 641 + 721 =
That shocked me. Luke’s specific association with 1967 is unknown to me.
Example 4)Second appearance of Luke and 67
The second appearance of the name “Luke” in the New Testament is 2 Timothy 4:11“Only Luke is with me. Pick up Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service.”
The Atlas Page entry for that verse shows that the second highest prime factor inside the verse number = 67
Verse 29882 (…67 x 223)
This is the second witness.
Readers might conjecture why Luke is associated with the number 67 and the War.
It’s worth mentioning that the name “Luke” only appears threes times in the NT. Two of them are tied to 1967 and/or 67.
Example 5)The lifespan of Person A tied to the Catching Away.
A famous person, whom I will call Person A, died in England in 2024. He was well known in certain circles in the UK and also internationally. He was what one might call a National Treasure of England.
Person A lived 31,587 inclusive days.
Normally, when I see a number larger than the number of verses in the Bible (31,102), I find the difference between the two to see what comes up. I was going to do that with the 31,587 number, but in an instant I changed my mind and checked to see that the difference was between it and the famous “resurrection from the dead” verse, 1 Thessalonians 4:16, which is verse 29,620.This is the result:
31,587 - 29620 = 1967.
I would suppose that one could count towards the resurrection of the dead from the day he died in 2024. Other than that, I have no idea why that occurred.
Remember though, when I was in Heaven and the Lord showed me an open (five foot across) Bible, He said that everyone who had ever lived or died was in the Book. The significant numbers of Person A’s life, at the very least following the Genesis (5) format, are in the Book, the Bible, somewhere.
Just as yours are, reader.
Jesus is Lord.