Hello Fay, John and Doves,This is a very good, very timely letter that Fay sent in: Whoa! This is Getting VERY WeirdShe wrote, "This Super AI stuff is getting dangerously prophetic." And talk of digital superintelligence "where men can become as gods" takes us back to the Garden of Eden and the Tower of Babel. "We can become like God" - "the serpent/devil has repeated this lie throughout the generations." Amen.We are coming full circle with man wanting to become as gods. Returning to mankind's Mesopotamian and Sumerian 'roots'. It was the Sumerians that built the Tower of Babel - wanting to reach the heavens..and become like gods. The Sumerian gods came from 'the heavens' - from the planet Nibiru. (Fallen angels.)Gino wrote a letter last week about the image of the beast - in the Prophecy Watchers interview below, Tom Hughes talks about this. Providing more insight for us.And AI is being promoted as the answer to all the world's problems."As we stand at the dawn of 2025, America faces a unique opportunity to redefine its technological landscape through AI." This moment could be "the most transformative in our history."
Embracing the Golden Age of AI in America - Cyber Sapient
David Sacks is President Trump's "crypto and AI czar". He said, "I look forward to working with each of you in creating a golden age in digital assets."
Trump's Crypto Czar Sacks Says 'Golden Age' Coming"President Trump on Monday declared it was the beginning of a new "Golden Age" in America.
Trump declares ‘Golden Age’ in America after inaugurationWhy at this time: Did 'someone' dredge up the 'Golden Age' phrase from ancient civilizations? (When we know we have a major battle ahead with Democrats/Leftists/Elites, etc. And it's going to take a lot of time to clean things up.) Why at this time: Do we have an incredible supercomputer that can be judge and jury for legal cases, something the AC could use? Just modify it to be 'judge, jury and executioner'. We have all the technology right now that satan and the AC need - "all we need is the beast and the false prophet." Tom Hughes in the Prophecy Watchers interview below has some very interesting things to say on these topics.I also wrote a bit about the Tower of Babel - some believe it wasn't a tower at all!President Trump's Golden Age, Video:Steve Mullin sent in this letter last week: this video looks at President Trump's 'Golden Age" and the Golden Age of mythology - a Golden Age was ruled by Saturn (Cronus) The AC will promise the world a false peace. He shows many connections to Saturn, the Golden Dawn. He believes that Trump is leading people into the Golden Age of Saturn or satan and the AC system. This Golden Age is the AC beast system of control through AI, cryptocurrency, etc. He said don't be deceived.
Understanding the Golden Age of Saturn in Christianity | TikTokrun time 7:07Cult of Saturn:Back in December, I wrote about the Saturnian cult (or cult of Saturn) - "The roots of the Saturnian cult can be traced back to early Mesopotamian and Sumerian cultures." Ancient civilizations referred to the god Saturn as "El". This is where the word 'Elites' came from. There was an ancient period in time called 'the Golden Era'. And certain people have been trying to bring back or return to that era.
Saturn, Saturnalia, The Cult of Saturn, The Elites, December 17 and Letters By Jean Stepnoski, Nando, Olaf V"Saturn's mythological reign was depicted as a Golden Age of abundance and peace...Under Saturn's rule, humans enjoyed the spontaneous bounty of the earth without labour in the "Golden Age" described by Hesiod and Ovid.
Saturn (mythology) - WikipediaHesiod wrote in "Works and Days" that "Men lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them, but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all devils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep...They dwelt in ease and peace." The Golden Age ended when the Titan Prometheus conferred on mankind the gift of fire and all the other arts."
Golden Age - WikipediaConspiracy theorists suggests that the Elite, those who hold power in modern society, are followers of Saturnian Principles. The cult of Saturn is not just a relic of the past, it is a living tradition that continues to shape our understanding of the universe and our place within it. Whether we view Saturn as a god, a symbol or a cosmic enigma, its influence is undeniable."
The Mystery Behind the CULT of SATURN - YouTubeThis is evil.Prophecy Watchers, Tom Hughes Interview:Gary Stearman interviewed Tom Hughes in this video; it's dated December 14, 2023. Looking back a little over a year ago - this interview is very much relevant today:Gary said that the cover of Tom's book looks like the 'modern Tower of Babel'.The Technocrats:Hughes said that technocrats want to change humanity. Satan and the AC are radically deceptive - people will be drawn to the charismatic AC - this will involve very strong, powerful deception.Gary believes that the man on the white horse "conquers" society from from the inside out. Changing how people think, react, maybe even genetically.These technocrats want to augment human beings - change how they think. Like Musk's Neuralink. In Revelation 13 we are told that there is no escape from this system.Hughes said that the mind of the masses have been altered already to a place of receiving all that different things that are coming- the gaslighting, the deception, the brainwashing. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates have said they keep their children away from devices/technology most children have today.One system is growing - but they aren't calling it the AC system....yet. This is a military operation. But it's not conventional warfare. DARPA (defense contractor of US military) is involved in Facebook and Google. Hughes mentioned Regina Dugan - former head of DARPA, worked for Google and Facebook. Mark Zuckerburg was recruited by DARPA. And DARPA has top places in Facebook. All of this is planned. A take over of humanity. People aren't going to be able to think for themselves.The Mark:Gary said the AC causes all to receive a mark...can't buy or sell without the mark or name. We have so much more clarity about this now. The wicked will see this and not understand. They won't connect everything. The wise will understand. The closer we get to the time of the end, the more clarity we will have. During the Tribulation, people who have heard about a mark will connect the dots. "Here is WISDOM, let him who has understanding..." Rev 13:18 All the databases are already here. The actual day to worship the beast is just waiting for the beast to appear - everything else is ready.The Image of the Beast:Gary brought up the image of the beast. We are capable of AI now - he believes the image of the beast is describing Artificial Intelligence. The power the image has is remarkable - it will be able to call out death to those who don't worship it and it will be able to call out censorship of everything that doesn't go along with the system. Jesus warned that unless the days are shortened - Hughes think this has to do with AI. It seems there are two people who can control this AI - the beast and the false prophet - they are over it as they aren't killed by it. "Hughes said the Antichrist is not going to waste one second building the infrastructure. Satan knows he doesn't have any time. AC will appear when all of the infrastructure, technology is here."Hughes says we are in the time where the infrastructure, technology needed by the AC is here now. Right now, this generation is living out this beast system that is coming about.Gary asked Hughes what has moved him to preach and teach about these topics. Hughes said he is doing all he can to spread the news of this. He said 'we see the finish line.' So he's picking up the pace to get this news out.run time 44:26What Gary and Hughes talked about was before the supercomputers AI we have right now in 2025.Here's What They Were Working on Eight Years Ago:This article is from 2017 - just to show what was being researched 8 years ago - how much farther have they come?. I followed up on DARPA, Facebook, Regina Dugan from the above interview. There must be later articles on their 'programs' but not a lot comes up on Google. The below is a start -DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is involved - in Facebook, in Google. DARPA "laid the foundation for the early internet...and early versions of Global Positioning Satellites, Google Street View and Wikipedia." Regina Dugan was head of DARPA, she was head of Google's experimental ATAP group (Advanced Technology and Projects) She was working on Facebook's project to develop "a system for letting you type with just your thoughts" and "to hear using vibrations on your skin. Facebook wants to "extract semantic meaning from touch, to create what just might amount to a new form of language." This would be done through brain-computer interfaces - devices that can read neural activity and translate it into digital signals and vice versa." There is also a project to "broadcast messages to your skin. It's a whisper being delivered," Dugan said.Facebook is literally wanting to "get inside your head and under your skin."
How Facebook is taking mind reading from sci-fi to reality | The Verge
Have these prototypes been moved on to production? It's been 8 years. Dugan has been involved in "applied technologies that seemed to originate from just over the horizon of most humans' imaginations."And remember, DARPA had Moderna make their Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine" - Moderna had NEVER made a vaccine before.Colossus, Supercomputer:And then there is Colossus. The Musk AI supercomputer, Colossus - it uses a huge amount of water to cool the data center and a huge amount of electricity to run it. It needs 150 MW from the Tennessee Valley Authority. This computer has been called "the single most transformative leap forward in technology since the invention of the internet." Colossus will help the U.S. "maintain global dominance in artificial intelligence". It's located in Memphis, TN. "Plans are underway to double its capacity in 2025..."
AI Visionary James Altucher: Elon Musk's ‘Project Colossus’ Marks the Beginning of America’s AI Renaissance [Video Presentation]To show how this highly advanced technology is also bringing us back to the ancient past - the name Colossus comes from the "colossal statue of the sun god Helios that stood in the ancient Greek city of Rhodes and was one of the Seven Wonders of the World." It was constructed in 294 - 282 BCE. (Musk's supercomputer could be called "a Wonder of the World.") Colossus was made of bronze and iron and weighted with stones. It was 105 feet high. It was toppled by an earthquake about 225/226 BCE.
Colossus of Rhodes | Description, Location, & Facts | BritannicaAnd Colossus computer is headquartered in Memphis, TN. Memphis was the capital of ancient Egypt. Memphis was founded in 2025 BCE. The local god was Ptah - he "created humans through the power of his heart and speech." Elon Musk said that maybe our next god will come from Memphis. (referring to his computer headquarters).Ancient Myths and Stories:I've often wondered about the ancient myths and stories - I think many are true. Too many ancient civilizations have similar stories, similar gods. There were gods (fallen angels) that helped man. And I think these ancient people had technology that people today would like to get a hold of. That they were more advanced than us in many fields. It was 'lost' during The Flood.Tower of Babel:As an example, several years ago I read a different interpretation of the Tower of Babel...that the translation was off - they were building a rocket ship to the Heavens. I first came across this 'new translation' in a book (not a Jewish author) but I can't recall the title now. Babel means "gate of God".Here's basically the same thing concerning a Rabbi's take on the Tower of Babel:"Chief Rabbi of the Three Communities, Jonathan Eiberschutz, claims that the people of Shinar (Babylonia) under the rule of Nimrod, were actually building a rocket ship (or a launching pad?), not a tower as was originally reported in the Torah. The Rabbi goes on to say these people were actually defying Hashem by showing their advanced technological capabilities. Their plan was to demonstrate their superiority over Hashem. The Zohar points out that these people of Babylon discovered special magical (technological) powers. It seems they found highly advanced information and possibly artifacts from the Bible's pre-Noah era which survived The Flood. They say that in earlier times the Earth was inhabited by a group of fallen angels called The Nefilim, giants. ..The Rabbi says that in the Torah, Genesis 11;4, "Come, let us build a city and a tower with its head in the heavens, and we shall make a name for ourselves" exposes Nimrod's plan to travel to the heavens. He received the technology from the Nephilim....the Rabbi claims Nimrod thought this rocket will put him on equal or higher standing than Hashem."
Rocket ShipHere's a picture of a stone carving found in Iraq near Babylon. This could be of Nimrod and his 'tower'.
Nimrod's Tower of Babel was a hydrogen bomb rocket.I agree with the Rabbi's interpretation - why would God be 'threatened' by a brick building - we probably have much higher buildings today! The people of Babel were up to something...and it wasn't good. God even notes, 'since they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.' Genesis 11:6 They obviously had an advanced knowledge that God wasn't liking.I wrote above, that there are people today who would like to get a hold of this ancient technology. I remember during the Iraq war under Bush that there was an operation called something like "Tower of Babel" - I read about it and how our troops were on the ground in ancient Babylon 'looking for something'. I wonder now if they were looking for ancient tablets or something else with info about the technology from ancient Babylon - like for the 'tower'. At the time I wondered why our military was wasting time/money 'looking for something.' Made no sense.Conclusion:Hughes said we can't waste any more time. We are approaching the Finish Line. People need to hear about the salvation in Jesus Christ. We need to get serious. Things are happening exponentially. The Church needs to move exponentially too.Maybe as we get closer to the start of the Tribulation more will be revealed as we watch the infrastructure for the reign of the AC take shape. Something like Musk's Colossus could definitely be a judge, jury and executioner for people during the time. Knowing who 'worships' the image and who doesn't and then meeting out their death sentence.We must be very close!! Things are happening exponentially. I can hardly keep up with what's coming out.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance