Hello John and Doves,
In Part 1, I wrote:"Then I wrote a bit about what a Nisan Rapture would look like in terms of a 7 year Tribulation Period and a 3.5 year Tribulation Period. I use to be very '7 year' - now I'm pretty much '3.5 year'." I've written several letters about my thoughts on a 7 year vs a 3.5 year Tribulation Period.I didn't put that 'a bit' in Part 1 - keeping that mostly about Dr. Awe and his information and the month of Nisan. I agree that the month of Nisan this year is a big heads up for the Watchmen!In this letter I compared a 3.5 year to a 7 year Trib length with Dr. Awe's information.Of a 3.5 year Trib vs a 7 year Trib, certainly the 7 year length is 'the most popular'.The Tribulation Period does not have to start on the day of the Rapture or even near the Rapture. Many believe they occur very close together. We believe the Rapture occurs before the Trib starts.For Dr. Awe's video, we are assuming that 32AD is the year of Christ's Crucifixion, we are assuming that '1406BC' is the year Joshua crossed the Jordan, we are assuming that the Tribulation Period is 7 years long. And changes in any of the numbers throws everything off.In Part 1, I wrote:. "Israel will be 77 years old in 2025. 84 years in 2032. Not sure how a generation can fit into that. Seems people have moved on from that verse"... unless we extend the length of a generation from 80 to ?? Even if the 'fig tree' bloomed in 1949, by 2025 Israel will be 76 years old. 76 + 7 = 83.A 3.5 year Tribulation Period still fits that timeline. 2025 + 3.5 = 2028. Israel will be 80 in 2028. Right at the end of an 80 year generation.The 70 Jubilees fit for both a 7 year Trib and a 3.5 year Trib as they go from Joshua's crossing the Jordan in 1406BC to 2025. Those 70 Jubilees sound pretty prophetic. And that means the Tribulation Period is left outside of the Jubilee. Maybe that's because it fits with the 70th Week of Daniel?The 7 year Tribulation is the 70th Week of Daniel - the entire week.The 3.5 year Tribulation is the last half of the 70th Week of Daniel - Jesus fulfilled the first half with his 3.5 year ministry (1260 days) - the Week was divided when He rode the donkey into Jerusalem, wept over Jerusalem, and said they missed Him - they missed the day (10 Nisan) of their Messiah's arrival. This was a HUGE deal - because now "things are hidden from their eyes" and Jerusalem/Israel will be destroyed and the people scattered.So for the 7 and 3.5 year Tribs - they are both outside of the 70th Jubilee. One ends up as the whole 70th Week and one is half of the 70th Week.The crucifixion could have been in 32AD. It's pretty cool that we can add 2,000 years to that and get 2032 - the last year of the 7 year Trib.But the year of the Crucifixion and Joshua's crossing aren't known 100%. We could be a 2, 3, ? years off.For the Crucifixion, I've seen a range of years. We know it was during the rule of Pontius Pilate - 26 - 36AD. I've seen many papers on 30AD, 31AD, 32AD, 33AD.... And do we count the 2,000 years from the start of His ministry or His death? If we take, say (guessing) April 5, 32AD (10 Nisan) as the end of His ministry and subtract 1260 days then we know when His ministry started - October 23, 28AD. Maybe this was Feast of Tabernacles in 28AD. If we add 2,000 years to 28AD we get 2028. Or if Jesus was crucified in 28AD - adding 2,000 years gets us to 28AD.
PhD Dates Crucifixion AD 28 - 2028 End Confirmation
Messiah’s Crucifixion in April 28 AD | Time of Reckoning Ministry
I like the 70 Jubilees since Joshua's crossing - that fits for the year 2025. Since we don't know what year Christ was crucified, we can pick years to work for 2,000 years - landing on 2032 or 2028. So that's not very helpful.The difference I noted in what I've written here between the 7 years vs 3.5 years is Jesus' prophecy, "this generation shall not pass"...we'd have to keep adding years to a generation to get this to fit. And for a 3.5 year Trib 2025 is the last year this will fit - as 2028 is 80 years for Israel.As For The Length of Tribulation Period and a Nisan Rapture:And since we don't know 100% when Joshua crossed the Jordan or when Jesus was crucified - I look at the possible year of the Tribulation Period starting based more on what's going on with Israel, the world, the birth pains, the prophecies, and the Feasts of the Lord - and I know the Rapture comes before the Tribulation starts.Having a Nisan Rapture fits well with a 3.5 year Tribulation. For several reasons. With this scenario, the Rapture happens in Nisan - and then the Tribulation Period starts immediately or within days - on a Lord's Feast day - to finish up 1,260 days later on a Lord's Fall Feast day: where we have the Feast of Trumpets (battle of Armageddon), then Day of Atonement (Judgment) then Feast of Tabernacles (start of the Millennium). 1,260 days fits well with a 3.5 year period from Nisan. If you start in Nisan you end up 1,260 days later in the Fall Feasts. For the 7 year people this 3.5 year time period would be "the Great Tribulation".IF the Marriage Supper of the Lamb occurs shortly after a Nisan Rapture, it could be a type of Passover celebration and this would fulfill what Jesus said of not eating and drinking again, until in His Kingdom. A Rapture on 10 Nisan, when the prophetic clock stopped, could be followed four days later by this Supper and then the prophetic clock would start again. The Tribulation Period would start too. As I wrote above, the 3.5 year time line still fits 'a generation' - for a bit longer.Having a Nisan Rapture with a 7 year Tribulation...puts in a gap of months - either between the Rapture and the Fall Feasts or between the end of the Tribulation and the Fall Feasts. Will the Tribulation start right after a Nisan Rapture and end in the Spring Feasts 7 years later? Then there would be several months of 'what?" to get to the Fall Feasts? Or will the 7 year Tribulation begin with the Fall Feasts and end with Feast of Tabernacles seven years later? A Nisan Rapture would leave several months of 'what?' before the Fall Feasts started There would be gaps in both timelines of several months because the Trib is 2,520 days long. Either is certainly possible.Gary Stearman on Prophecy Watchers wrote an article saying it could be years between the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation. We don't know. A few months between the Rapture and Trib certainly is a possibility. Or between the end of the Trib and the Fall Feasts.IF the Rapture occurred on 10 Nisan, April 9, 2025 and we add 1260 days = September 20, 2028. This is the Eve of Rosh Hashanah. Right at the start of the fall Feasts of the Lord. That is always a pretty nice fit. We just don't know which year for the start of the Trib.My finite human mind is just looking at these two scenarios. And there are IFs and assumptions. I've tried looking at Christ's birth, the start of His ministry, the 1967 War, the '73 War, the Balfour Declaration, etc. trying to find a pattern or connection to present day. Obviously I haven't done so well!Every year I am watching for Nisan, so I'm glad that Dr. Awe put out this video. High watch days - especially 10 Nisan and Passover. With what Jesus said and did, I'm seeing a prophetic clock stopping...it will start again. Hopefully soon!!Maybe as we get closer to the Rapture, more will be revealed!Just some thoughts...Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance