Hello John and Doves,
In this letter I wrote about Senator Rand Paul questioning Samantha Power, head of USAID - now defuncted. This is on a Youtube video. She is covering up USAID gain-of-function research/funding for the Covid-19 virus. Rand Paul is pursuing - what happened? and who did what?I also wrote some about the USAID PREDICT Program, and the old topics - EcoHealth and Metabiota.Paul mentioned the PREDICT Program at UC Davis that was also involved in gain-of-function research on Covid-19. With USAID.PREDICTS 'core' partners are DoD's DARPA, EcoHealth, Metabiota, and others. I've written many letters about these 'partners' - all involved in the Covid-19 debacle.Samantha Power-USAID and Rand Paul:Senator Rand Paul grilled Samantha Power about USAID funding of Coronavirus research at the Wuhan Lab. And NIH and most probably USAID funded the Chinese Military Medical Academy in China. He and other Republicans in Congress have been asking, over many months, for all records of scientific research grant proposals funded by USAID. The response from USAID was "USAID will not be providing any documents at this time."Paul asked Power about the Predict Program run by UC Davis - their research in China and 'whether is was advisable'. Power said, "to set the record straight, the Predict Program ended in 2019." Rand asked about the USAID Emergency Pandemic Threats Program. She said they have provided hundreds and hundreds of pages of documents related to the Predict Program. Paul said, "Not to us." He said they have gotten none of this. Zero. Taxpayers give USAID the money, they deserve to know where the money went. The Predict Program ended in 2019 - when did the coronavirus come out? About 2019!His committee wants to know what grant programs China had that involved USAID money for covonravirus research - that could have resulted in creating the virus that resulted in the Covid-19 pandemic. But Congress can't tell, because USAID won't hand over the requested documents.Power insisted that all of the documents were provided. Senator Paul said they have received NOTHING. Because you won't respond, you must have something to hide. Paul "wants to see every grant proposal that had to do with coronaviruses that went to China from the U.S. government, from all facets of the U.S. government. And every bit of the Biden administration is stonewalling us and will not give us the information. It makes us think, it makes us suspicious, that you're hiding something....You are not being honest."run time 6:12As I've written many times before - the globalists, U.S. DoD, Democrats, Leftists, etc. were funding the gain-of-function research on coronaviruses - they created the SARS-CoV-2 virus; and I believe they released it into the public - it was NOT a 'lab leak'. This was purposeful.PREDICT:PREDICT Program: They globally surveil for pathogens around the world - especially pathogens the could move from animal to human - their job is to detect these and "discover viruses of pandemic potential.""The project is part of USAID's Emerging Pandemic Threats program."PREDICT "is led by the UC Davis One Health Institute, and core partners include USAID, EcoHealth Alliance, Metabiota, Wildlife Conservation Society and Smithsonian Institution.""PREDICT, a project of USAID's Emerging Pandemic Threats Program, was initiated in 2009 to strengthen global capacity for detection of viruses with pandemic potential that can move between animals and people. PREDICT has made significant contributions....for both known and newly discovered viruses within several important virus groups, such as filoviruses (including ebolaviruses), influenza viruses, paramyxoviruses, and coronaviruses."
PREDICT | School of Veterinary Medicine
"On April 1, 2020 PREDICT was granted a 6-month extension to assist with Covid-19 response efforts and is providing technical and logistical support to our implementing partners around the world." PREDICT was involved in One Health (CDC's One Health looks at "the interconnection between people, animals, plants and their shared environment." I.E. "the health of people is closely connected to animals and our shared environment.....Close contact with animals and their environments provides more opportunities for disease to pass between animals and people."
About One Health | One Health | CDCMetabiota:Metabiota is the company that was running the U.S. Ukraine bioweapons labs that I've written many letters about. Doing all kinds of gain-of-function research in Ukraine, because it wasn't allowed in the U.S. The Russians called them on this and got their proof when they took control of these bioweapon labs during their initial invasion of Ukraine. The Russians pushed these labs out of Ukraine and they went to various countries in Africa - notably the Congo where the latest strain of Monkeypox has 'popped up.' Coincidence?The U.S. initially denied the existence of these labs, and then finally, Victoria Nuland spilled the beans to Congress.EcoHealth:EcoHealth was involved in the whole Covid-19 mess from the get go. January 17, 2025 the Committee on Oversight released information to the press: after 8 months of investigation, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services "cut off all funding and formally debarred EcoHealth alliance Inc. and its former president, Dr. Peter Daszak, for five years based on evidence uncovered by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic." (Of course, this happened NOW and not way back, because President Trump's team is moving in...and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is close? to being the new head of HHS. So the Biden HHS is acting like they are doing 'some punishing', hoping the new Secretary will consider this punishment enough! Ha! EcoHealth, Daszak and numerous people in HHS and EcoHealth need to be charged with crimes against humanity...just for starters. No U.S. funding for EcoHealth and Daszak for five years (after Trump's term is up)? This is pathetic after what they've done.)A letter from HHS "confirms that EcoHealth terminated Dr. Daszak's employment effective January 6, 2025. The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic reported that EcoHealth and Dr. Daszak facilitated gain of function research in Wuhan, China, without proper oversight and willingly violated multiple requirements of its multimillion-dollar National Institutes of Health grant." EcoHealth "failed to report dangerous gain-of-function experiments conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology."A slap on the wrist by HHS.The Select Subcommittee report, however, recommends EcoHealth and Daszak be criminally investigated. And noted failures at NIH in granting funding. And neither should "receive a single cent from the U.S. taxpayer."There was evidence of EcoHealth and Daszak's 'gain-of-function' research and Covid-19 years ago - but nobody did anything about it. Because many in our government covered for this.EcoHealth was also partnered with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (this is the place I heard the most about early in the Covid pandemic), the USGS National Wildlife Health Center and Palo Alto Research Center.But What About The Covid-19 Vaccine?:Hopefully, a committee in Congress will investigate the "vaccine"!And remember, it was these groups and people that were involved in the "vaccine" development for Covid-19 virus. It was the Chinese/CCP who uploaded the mRNA code for vaccine manufacturers to put INTO the lipid nanoparticles that were in our "vaccines". THEY didn't just stop with the virus! The vaccine manufacturers did not check the code - they took the word of the Chinese/CCP and they just incorporated it into their vaccines. Research into the "vaccines" was banned by the U.S. government. No one was allowed to do research on the virus or the "vaccine". 'Informed consent' was never meant to be part of the vaccination agenda. Doctors, researchers, vaccinologists, epidemiologists and others were vilified, threatened and deplatformed for questioning the virus origins and the "vaccine". The "vaccine" has ended up to be so much worse in terms of morbidity and mortality than Covid-19!The public believed these same people would create a "vaccine" that would actually be "safe and effective". They trusted 'the government', not knowing what had been done behind their backs. And the worse revelations are yet to come!! IF we ever get to that 'disclosure'!Dr. Daszak worked hand-in-hand with Dr. Fauci! But Fauci has a pardon from Biden - Daszak doesn't. Back in May, 2024 the House subcommittee urged 'a criminal investigation of EcoHealth president Dr. Peter Daszak - for coronavirus research in Wuhan.' Many NIH officials and scientists are linked to EcoHealth's research. Nothing was done. Not until President Trump, 2025.
House COVID panel urges criminal probe over gain-of-function virus research in Wuhan
This was under the Biden administration and was still being protected by the powers in charge. THEY did not want any of this coming out for the American people to see! I have numerous letters to Doves covering many, many independent research papers, leaked documents and whistleblowers pointing out what was going on back in early 2020~ and even before this...and our government did nothing. Because parts of our government were in on this.More EcoHealth Research With China:Back in September 2021, an article came out about leaked documents that EcoHealth had requested money to fund a research project involving injecting "deadly chimeric bat coronaviruses into humanised mice (mice with human DNA)." This is gain-of-function research. The documents show that EcoHealth was working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In this document are plans for a specific cleavage site to be 'gain-of-functioned' into SARS-CoV-2 virus - an artificial insertion of a furin cleavage site. Paul Rand talked about this in the above video. He mentions furin in gain-of-function research because furin (an enzyme) can dissolve cell coatings so that "genetic material can infect cells. Furin cleavage sites tend to be more infectious than cleavage sites that use other enzymes."EcoHealth "submitted a grant proposal to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the US on March 24, 2018." They wanted $14 plus million over 3.5 years. EcoHealth and Daszak "proposed injecting deadly chimeric bat coronaviruses (that were created in the lab) collected by WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) into humanized and "batified" mice..." Humanized mice have human DNA; batified mice have bat DNA. They have been genetically modified.EcoHealth wanted to 'inoculate' wild bats in caves with aerosolized delivery systems. They also thought about 'sticky edible gels' that bats would consume. The sprays and gels would contain "novel chimeric polyvalent recombinant spike proteins". The project was about 'immune modulation'. EcoHealth reported that "Our work in Yunnan, China shows that 1) bat SARSr-CoV's exist than can infect human cells, produce SARS-like illness in humanized mice and are not affected by monoclonal or vaccine treatment. and 2) bat SARSr-CoV host-jump into local human populations is frequent. These viruses are therefore a clear and present danger to US defense forces in the region and global health security." EcoHealth noted that "Chimeras (recombinants) with these (new isolated strains of SARSr-CoVs) inserted into a SARS-CoV backbone, and synthetically reconstructed...cause SARS-like illness in humanised mice with clinical signs that are not reduced by SARS-CoV monoclonal antibody therapy or vaccination." DARPA refused to give full funding....because DARPA "misinterpreted the GoF-guidelines". (Gain-of-function guidelines.) Part of the U.S. government refused funding for this project because it was deemed GoF research...yet, HHS approved similar research. EcoHealth continued getting funding this way..
DRASTIC investigating team releases leaked documents about gain-of-function coronavirus research – CHANGING TIMES
Just The Beginning of Disclosure:This is just the tip of the iceberg as Republicans chip away at the "Covid-19 plandemic."
Hopefully, criminal charges are soon to follow. This was a crime against humanity - a global affair! The root of the matter is DARPA, DoD, USAID, NIH, CDC, FDA, EcoHealth, Metabiota, Fauci - thick with traitors who gain-of-functioned, funded, covered up, released the virus, planned the pandemic and wrote the rules, for the Covid-19 pandemic. And they are 'in charge' of bird flu and monkey pox! Hopefully, not for long!Both Republicans and Democrats need to demand answers from those running these organizations and labs. Unfortunately, this type of research will never stop. THEY will continue funding and creating the perfect storm of pathogens and release them on mankind. The green/pale horse with its rider "Death" is in the future - who will be "given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plagues/pestilence, and by the wild beasts of the earth." Rev 6:8Will we see justice for the Covid-19 plandemic? Or will something BIG happen to stop this?Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance