Hello John and Doves,I've been listening to ThePatriotNurse on her Youtube channel for several years.She rarely makes any comments about the situation in the Middle East.Today - the gloves came off. The last straw was the brutal murders of the Bibas babies. She lays out the Truth.She said the Jewish people are nothing without their God - they keep loosing because they have turned from Him.Her message is clear to the Jews: Turn back to God. Evoke Him to fight your battles. Get a Torah believing and based government. Turn away from the West. The enemies of Israel/ and God's people need to go - they refuse to co-exist. There is no other path forward. Because Israel's government cares what the U.S. says... The path the Jewish people are one is one of insanity - wash, rinse, repeat - nothing changes. Because the Jews have not turned to God. God has told them what to do with His enemies - drive them out. They need to do it.I wasn't going to 'take notes', because this is so good - but I know that people are busy and there 'just isn't time to listen all the 'really good videos' recommended - but this one is so good - I made my notes for a quick read, if that works timewise. If you can, listen to her - I got most of it below - but she's very passionate in her presentation. This is EXACTLY what the Israeli Jews and Jews all over the world need to hear. And the West needs to butt out of God's land.This is why the Tribulation period is dead ahead for the Jewish people. The time of great trouble to bring the people back to their God. PatriotNurse's message is exactly what the Jewish people need to hear - but, alas, this will not happen until the Tribulation is upon them. God has great plans for their salvation during that time. The 144,000 are coming. Then God will send their Messiah back to Jerusalem. To fight for His land, His chosen people, and set up His kingdom. And during the Millennium, the rest of the prophecies will be fulfilled.(My notes:)The West thinks 'everyone in the world wants democracy. "And a lot of people operate under the delusion that democracy is good for everyone. And it is not."Hamas gave back the brutally murdered bodies of the Bibas babies, a ten month old and a four year old. In return Israel released hundreds of Palestinian terrorists/murderers/etc. to get back the bodies of the children and the mother. The body of the mother was not returned."The West does not understand that you can not conduct warfare against an intractable enemy like this in a civilized and polite way. The only way to do warfare and win in the Middle East is to fight like you are in the East not the West. It is in the Middle East, not the Middle West."You can not fight any enemy like this with nice little methods and diplomacy. You have to assault their god, you have to completely destroy their culture, you have to root them out and you have to annihilate them. And people hold their breath and clutch their pearls right now. "Patriot Nurse are you advocating genocide?" I'm advocating following the Bible. ....The God of Israel doesn't play nice. The God of Israel doesn't tolerate the stuff that Hamas has done.""If you claim to be a follower of The Book and you think there is some type of moral equivalency here, you are part of the problem. You are the exact type of Christian that would totally look the other way during the Holocaust. And that's the problem here. ....A lot of people really like seeing Jews dead. ...Jewish babies were roasted alive while their mothers were raped by a bunch of Muslim terrorists and jihadis. That's the reality of the Middle East. You don't fight this with Western diplomacy, you crush these people and annihilate them."What kind of parents are the Palestinians? "They strap their babies to themselves so they can explode them with bombs...that's what they do. They are functioning on a culture that is old. And that is Bronze Age. And that can't be fought with post-enlightenment weapons and ideals...the only solution to this is completely annihilate them or drive them out.""Oh, you want all of these people dead?" They have to be gone. They can't co-exist with Jews. They want Jews dead." The PLO, the Hamas - All of their charters are for the genocide of Jews. They have the sole stated purpose of annihilating Jews. "The only way to deal with an enemy who refuses co-existence and whose sole purpose for existence is to kill you - is to kill them first...This is self-preservation at a minimum."The Jewish community has really got a decision to make. And the decision is 'do we fear God or do we fear man?' "Israel, as a nation, has a choice to make, are you going to tolerate a national government that persists in insanity, repeating the same thing over and over again, giving away a whole bunch of terrorists and murderers to their families so they can populate the world again with more like them and continue their plans to murder more Jews. Keep giving them back after they have committed crimes so we can get bodies of our charred babies back." That's what you want?""Every self-respecting Jew in the state of Israel has a choice to make. Do you fear God or do you fear man? Do you care about the international community vs God...fearing man, fearing even the U.S., fearing the U.N. caring what they think more than what God says. If God is God, follow Him and do what He said to do. And doing what He said to do is not what the West is going to applaud you for. But do you really need the approbation of the West?....Follow God in heart, in spirit, and in Truth. And that means doing uncomfortable things. That means driving them out....""This is a time, right now, when every Jew on the face of the planet should be crying out for revolution in Israel. This should be a Torah based government that comes in. Not afraid of the West...Fear God. Follow Him. Believe Him. That just like David said, "We don't come to you with sword and spear, but in the name of the Lord God of Hosts. He fights for us. If He doesn't fight for us, we are nothing"....Jewish people are nothing without the God they serve...so is it any wonder that they keep loosing; and why do they keep loosing? Because they refuse from a national, from a government standpoint to cry out to God and to follow Him. To evoke Him to fight their battles. And to unapologetically wage war against His enemies to their last final, agonizing breath."The Palestinians must go. "There is no co-existence with them. The last sixty years has shown us, conservatively, that there is no co-existing with them." "If you want to keep having your babies brought back in boxes or charred remnants of them picked up little bit by little bit, then keep along this path of caring what the West thinks. It is enough. Fear God. Fear Him alone. Follow His Word. Follow His commandments. Drive them out."(end notes)run time 9:17The Jewish people are not going to turn to God until the Tribulation period. The prophecies tell us of the horror that is coming for them. Tribulation, such has never been seen before! And so much wicked and evil - and demonic forces and hordes of satan. And earthquakes, and wars and plagues. Then they will come to believe in His son - the Messiah that they missed two thousand years ago. They won't miss Him this time!! The prophecies are set. The plan is in motion. Peace will come to Jerusalem!Oh, to see the Lord's New Jerusalem coming down to Earth - with His Temple and the ark of the covenant. We Gentiles have waited for Him for some 2,000 years. And we will see Him.If the people under the altar can cry out for revenge of their blood, I can cry out "When, Oh, Lord, when? Surely it is soon! Maranatha!" Amen.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Chance