Chance (23 Feb 2025)
"How About "Flock Immunity" Instead of a Leaky Vaccine for Bird Flu??!!"

Hello Joh and Doves,
re: bird flu in poultry
The culling of tens of millions of birds in the U.S. obviously isn't working - it is NOT "one of the most effective ways to stop disease spread and protect U.S. animal health as a whole," per the USDA.  Over 21 million egg-laying birds across the U.S. have been culled.  Over 145 million chickens, ducks and turkeys have been slaughtered across the U.S.  This has spread across wild and domestic bird populations and even to dairy cows.  So how is this working??
And now the USDA has approved a conditional license for an H5N2 bird flu vaccine.  This is a 'leaky' vaccine. Leaky vaccines do not provide protection or prevent transmission.  They can result in more virulent strains - that are lethal to the unvaccinated birds.  THEY could create an ecological disaster. 
Hopefully, the coming new strategy will be - let the chips fall where they may.  Let's let 'flock immunity' do it's job and let the bird immune systems work like God intended for them to work.
New Strategy In the Coming Days:
"Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins is expected "in the coming days" to announce a new strategy to fight a virus, a USDA spokesperson said, without commenting on whether vaccines would play a role."
The Agriculture Department "granted a conditional license for an H5N2 bird flu vaccine designed to work against variants of the H5N1 virus, the strain circulating among herds of dairy cows and domestic poultry in the U.S."  The vaccine is manufactured by Zoetis, a U.S. manufacturer - "the vaccine has met the USDA's requirements for safety and "reasonable expectation" of effectiveness."
"If the federal government were to vaccinate poultry, it could come with a number of complications, notably that many U.S. trading partners won't accept exports from countries that allow vaccinations."
96% of the poultry (ducks, turkeys and chickens) is for meat consumption.  "The boiler industry provides $449.5 billion in economic activity and $36.7 billion in government revenue..."
Vaccines don't provide the same level of protection in every bird - some won't be protected at all and some will have "silent infections."  And a highly virulent strain introduced into a vaccinated chicken facility could "promote the emergency of strains with mutations."
"...there's currently ongoing research to provide mass vaccination of poultry via drinking water, reducing human exposure."

Why isn’t the U.S. using a bird flu vaccine in poultry? – NBC New York
The Zoetis vaccine is a killed virus H5N2 Subtype.  The approval of this vaccine is based on serology data -  they looked for antibodies in blood serum in birds.
Zoetis - Zoetis Receives Conditional License from USDA for Avian Influenza Vaccine, H5N2 Subtype, Killed Virus, for Chickens

A "conditional" license is "used to meet an emergency condition, limited market, local situation or other special circumstance and is issued for a finite period of time."  These can be renewed, as necessary.
Zoetis has been around for over 70 years and has developed multiple vaccines for birds for other countries.
Zoetis - Zoetis Receives Conditional License from USDA for Avian Influenza Vaccine, H5N2 Subtype, Killed Virus, for Chickens
Hopefully, this 'new strategy' has included input from virologists and epidemiologists - because it's known that 'leaky' vaccines can result in new pathogens.  Leaky vaccines do not prevent infection and transmission.
"Not all vaccines prevent infection.  Some, known as leaky vaccines, prolong host survival or reduce disease symptoms without preventing viral replication and research..has demonstrated that leaky vaccines can make the situation for vaccinated individuals worse.  Leaky vaccines work by enhancing host immunity to a particular pathogen, without necessarily blocking or slowing viral replication."  This can result in vaccinated individuals transmitting highly virulent pathogens "that would normally reach an evolutionary dead-end in a dead host."
This was actually seen in the use of a chicken virus vaccine against the Marek's disease virus - the vaccinated chickens "shed cumulatively higher amounts of highly virulent virus."  These viruses could be transmitted to unvaccinated chickens where they are lethal.
"The results suggest that disease interventions that aim to prevent disease symptoms without preventing transmission can have dangerous evolutionary consequences and need to be considered in cases with imperfect vaccines."
Leaky vaccines promote the transmission of more virulent virus
"Conventional wisdom is that natural selection will remove highly lethal pathogens if host death greatly reduces transmission.  Vaccines that keep hosts alive but still allow transmission could thus allow very virulent strains to circulate in a population."
Data shows that "anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts."
"When vaccines prevent transmission, as is the case for nearly all vaccines used in humans, this type of evolution towards increased virulence is blocked.  But when vaccines leak, allowing at least some pathogen transmission, they could create the ecological conditions that would allow hot strains to emerge and persist".

Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens | PLOS Biology
"Rather than authorizing leaky vaccines for U.S. poultry, the USDA should consider allowing the latest clade of H5N1 to run its course so that the birds can acquire natural immunity to it.  The practice of culling has been a total failure and the new poultry vaccine is equally unlikely to end the problems, though there is a good chance it will contribute to the emergence of an even more dangerous variant of H5N1."
Herd immunity would have been a good way to go with Covid-19 - but certain people stepped in to push their mRNA Covid-19 "vaccine" that did not prevent transmission, that did not prevent illness, that did not prevent hospitalization, that did not prevent death - instead we ended up with how many new strains of Covid-19??
Hopefully, we don't have similar people with similar thinking deciding on the response to bird flu in the U.S.  They could results in a far more virulent bird flu that is far more lethal to migratory birds, ducks, turkeys, chickens and that could infect humans with a lethality of the Spanish Flu.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!