Chance (2 Feb 2025)
"Doomsday Clock:  89 Seconds To Midnight"

Hello John and Doves,
"The Doomsday clock was set at 89 seconds to midnight on Tuesday morning, putting it the closest the world has ever been to what scientists deem "global catastrophe"...This is the first time the clock has been moved forward since 2023."
"The clock's position this year was set based on "nuclear weapons threats, the climate crisis, biological threats, and disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence," according to a press release from the Bulletin."

Doomsday clock ticks down, closest ever to "global catastrophe"
The announcement came on January 28, 2025:  "In setting the Clock one second closer to midnight, the Science and Security Board sends a start signal:  because the world is already perilously close to the precipice, a move of even a single second should be taken as an indication of extreme danger and an unmistakable warning that every second of delay in reversing course increase the probability of global disaster."
The world is certainly closer to global disaster.  The Bulletin wrote:  The 2025 Clock time signals that the world is on a course of unprecedented risk...continuing on the current path is a form of madness."  
Doomsday clock ticks down, closest ever to "global catastrophe"
The closer that clock is to ZERO, the closer we are to the Rapture and start of the Tribulation Period.  The birth pains are the indicator....
Strong's Hebrew for 89:  "age, eternity, everlasting, forever, perpetual".  It comes from the root word 'alam' meaning "to conceal" or "to hide".  Conceal means to prevent disclosure, to deliberately keep something hidden or secret.
Wonder if we'll see them set the clock to 60 seconds?  Strong's Hebrew for 60: mourning, lamentation.  It comes from the root word aval meaning  "to mourn" or "to lament".
How about 10 seconds?  Strong's Hebrew for 10:  destruction, Abaddon, "to perish", "to destroy".  The angel of the Abyss: "whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (the Destroyer)."  Rev 9:11
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!