Carl Worline (23 Feb 2025)
"The Revelation 12 Sign and the Number 8 in Rapture Timing (Part 1)"


The Revelation 12 Sign and the Number 8 in Rapture Timing (Part 1)


God, Himself, wrote the number one best-selling book of all time and had the Holy Spirit pass it down to humanity by way of 40-some people who copied it down into what has become known as the Bible.  It is arranged more or less chronologically from the beginning of humanity (Genesis) until the Last Days (the Book of Revelation).


The Revelation 12 Sign was a series of events and astrological alignments that took place on September 23, 2017.  These events and alignments have never taken place in the past and will never again take place in the future.  They were unique, they were from God, and they conveyed a message to humanity about End Time events.  This message was so important that God devoted an entire chapter of His book to them.  I am convinced that the Revelation 12 Sign was about the Rapture of the Church.  It was a milestone on God’s timeline, from which to measure forward to the rapture.


September 23, 2017, was not only the date that the Revelation 12 Sign occurred, but it was also the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) in 2017.  The Feast of Trumpets is one of the seven Jewish moedim and many (like myself) are convinced that it is all about the Rapture of the Church.


According to


 The number 8 represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man's true "born again" event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life.


According to


The number 8 is frequently mentioned in the Bible and is symbolically associated with new beginnings and the theme of resurrection.


Both of these references from the internet suggest to me that the number 8 is associated symbolically with the Rapture of the Church in the Bible.


Each year the date of the Feast of Trumpets varies from sometime in mid-September to somewhere in mid-October due to the timing of the moon’s rotation around the earth.


 In 2025 the Feast of Trumpets will, coincidentally, take place on September 23rdprecisely 8 years from September 23, 2017, when the Revelation 12 Sign took place and the Feast of Trumpets also occurred.


Based on the observations listed above, I am enthusiastically optimistic and hopeful that the Rapture of the Church will take place on September 23, 2024, which is both the Feast of Trumpets and the eighth anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign.


Please read Part 2 of The Revelation 12 Sign and the Number 8 in Rapture Timing that I will ask John to post in the 5 Doves Letters.  In Part 2, I will discuss what the Revelation 12 Sign was and why I believe it is all about the Rapture of the Church.  I will also discuss the significance of the Feast of Trumpets and why I believe it is also about the rapture.


Carl Worline

February 23, 2025