Steve Mullin (25 Feb 2024)
"MORE startling info about the April 8th Total Solar Eclipse!"

I just came across this video and found out three or four new facts about the upcoming eclipse. The first fact is that the August 2017 eclipse was only viewable in America. The last time that happened you might ask? 1776 when the United States became a nation! 

I had heard that this year's eclipse will cover six different cities named Nineveh, but did not know that the August 2017 eclipse covered seven different cities named Salem! The narrator compares that to Jerusalem having USA right in the middle. 

Then he mentions that the eclipse is coming from the southwest and will go to the Northeast making a big X over the U S. The first city it will hit is Eagle Pass, Texas where all of the illegal immigrants have been coming over our border as well. The eagle is synonymous with the Exodus, because God delivered the Jews out of Egypt on Eagles wings. That kind of mirrors God delivering us from this fallen World at the rapture!

The most startling fact is that the time between the two eclipses is 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 days! He said he went and checked the math and at first it was off 2 days. However, there have been or will be 2 leap years between the two dates, accounting for the 2 days. God is extremely precise!

Steve M