Steve Mullin (25 Feb 2024)
"Very strange clouds/weather in Anna, IL"

For those who don't know me, I'm in San Diego California. The city has endured extremely rare weather over the past two to three months. The admission of the new weather modification program that began in November of 2023 makes a lot more sense now. I've posted many times on the odd claim that mosquitoes would be prevalent throughout the city which started around November or December as well. There were radio ads, bus stop ads, and it made zero sense. I've been here for 7 years and I've never been bitten by a mosquito up until a few months ago when I had five or six mosquito bites on my legs  that ad campaign came to a screeching halt and once again, I have not been bitten by a mosquito since. 

It's very telling that Bill Gates has done a bunch of research on infecting mosquitoes with malaria. 

Reading the tea leaves, I think the very rich and supposedly "elite" people are panicking and trying anything they can because we have spread the message far and wide and opened many peoples' eyes. 

It's almost like project Looking Glass where they could see part of the future has crashed in on them and it's beautiful if true.

Steve M