Steve Mullin (25 Feb 2024)
"A dry run of an EMP attack?"

Months ago, some casinos in Vegas were held ransom and shut down by hackers. 

Leave the World Behind has the scene about a Cyber attack and electronics going offline. Today Thursday Feb 22nd, it's reported that there are many outages of AT&T cell phone service. 

This guy says everything went down not just AT&T, and chose all of the different companies affected and even mentions an EMP.

Then the reliable Simpsons have an episode about bug out bags and an EMP hitting:

There's a lot packed in to that clip. Including zombies on an asteroid or comet, the books Homer has on his shelf and the one he is reading and one comment particular that caught me off guard a little bit. They say it happens in 3 months, but one man says 6 weeks at the most. When this is posted on February 25th it will be approximately 6 weeks until the total solar eclipse of April 8th and Passover.

For those who haven't seen the rapture clip in The Simpsons, here's the link. Of course the message is incorrect saying the pious have been taken to heaven when we are simply sinners who Jesus forgave by overcoming the world on the cross!

Steve M