Steve Coerper (25 Feb 2024)
"Re: Who Is The Bride of Christ"

Justin Johnson is wrong again.  Paul said he has espoused us to Christ in 2 Cor. 11:2.  Paul also goes into this at length in Ephesians chapter 5.

Johnson has lots of sophistry and he's a clever presenter, but he has a lot of subtle errors.

The earliest model is when the bride of Adam was taken from the body of Adam.  The "last Adam" is Christ, and His bride will be taken from His body.  WE are the body of Christ, NOT "the Jews."   It is correctly argued that believing Jews and believing Gentiles (the original vine + those of us "grafted in") make up true Israel.  This is reinforced by Paul in Romans 9 and is a theme through Paul's writings, including the often mis-read and misunderstood Romans 11:26 where Paul makes a detailed defense of Gentile salvation by faith, and then incorporates them as "all Israel."

From "we" the Body of Christ, Jesus will take His bride.  No doubt some Jewish by race, and most certainly many Gentiles also.  I submit it will be the "overcomers" - those who claim the Rev. 3:10 promise by faith and obedience - who will be the bride of Christ. 
