Raul D  (25 Feb 2024)
"Solar Eclipse rapture vision & April Taiwan Invasion ?"

Solar eclipse rapture vision April 8?


The Ideal time for China to invade Taiwan is in April and October when ocean water is calm.

Rapture and WW3 when China invades Taiwan

A Chinese invasion fleet would be very different than a commercial vessel sailing into a Taiwanese port.

The invasion fleet would have to traverse about 100 miles of open water. They would depend on relatively calm sea conditions because landing craft are notoriously NOT ocean-going.
The invasion fleet would set off alarms as it began to gather. This is similar to what happened in early February 2022, when Putin positioned his forces around the Ukraine.
When the invasion actually launched, there would be early warning for Taiwan from the islands of Quemoy and Matsu, which are only a few miles off the mainland of China.
The Chinese invasion fleet would NOT be sailing into commercial ports, but would be landing on beaches and points that would be intended to be where the Taiwanese military least expected them. This makes wave conditions and weather critical and dramatically increases the risks of the invasion.
The calmer seas twice a year will tend to focus any invasion plans on those times.
This will also allow the Taiwanese to focus their defenses in some ways on those times as well.

Commercial ships sail into ports that are protected from heavy seas. Invasion fleets tend to land in isolated areas that are not protected.

"When China invades Taiwan USA gets nuked"

Brenda Weltner had a vision back in 2015 that Jesus would come when China invades Taiwan. She explains her vision at the 31 minute mark in the video.

prophecy about Dumitru Duduman

"When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning."


When China invades Taiwan (April ?) that's when USA goes to war with china, then Russia will strike without warning that's when Rapture begins
When the nukes come down we go up. When USA goes to war with china the nukes will come down.