Patty Hayes (25 Feb 2024)
"Overreach in the individual's lives/Fay and Donna"

Hi Doves,

I welcome each of your prayers for me.  On February 7, my church had communion.  For the first time in it's history, up front were 3 women serving.  I was privy to only one to there and expressed to her the concern she may be countered with as in the church's history is related to the Elders to administer communion.  I told her that is also my position as well but to know she is well-loved by me.  I stayed home due to my health issues but prayed up a storm that no ensuing heated verbal exchange take place. 

That morning I opened up to take a peek at the communion and saw it was not her only but a total of 3 women.  I could only gasp and pray.  I did not participate from home.  Due to the church's historical stance I was concerned of a major pushback especially since a church meeting to take place there after. 

It did cause me to take once again another look at this Biblically, looking at the historical early church, the historicity of the church, the Greek rendering of the role of women, even the Tanakh as whom God placed to serve in the Temple.  For my take, this still comes under the place of the Elders of whom Paul charge as men in his Epistles.  

But that being said, I said nothing to anyone in my church.  That next Tues, at prayer time, only women came and the Pastor.  He asked us before we went to prayer if there were anyone that was "bothered" by having the women up there.  Only 2 of us raised our hands.  I told him, that history, Biblically speaks to men in leadership, and even in the first Communion with our Lord and the Disciples, no Women present at that table, but in another room.  So, he said, I stick with tradition then.  Not, stick with Scripture.  And then went on into prayer.

I thought, if this, well, then what's next.  I had been asked by 2 other people to express my concerns formally to the church, but know my health wouldn't withstand it.  I wanted time to process this and googled the position of women in Communion.  There was a fellow from the Anglican church that took this on in a letter he wrote.  I thought, oh my!! Talk about the Hornets nest but is article was thoughtful so posted on my own FB page.  

Within 2 days I was greeted with huge hostility by a young lady from my church who never posts anything on my sight, and my lead Elder who took to confronting me.  He called me to tell me he wanted me to take this article off my FB page immediately, and that he is the Lead Elder and that he is my authority and I am to do as he says.  He further stated that there was indeed a major incident regarding that morning and thought I was an instigator.  I told him I was home and not aware of this, that since the Pastor asked our thoughts I was revisiting this and welcoming in polite discussion on my own site, and not even mention anything of our church or the goings on there.  I told him I was processing in my own musings on this once again.  

To de-escalate him I took it down.  But I did remind him that not only am I several years older in years, but walking with the Lord nearly the age of him.  I was his "older" and not a casual reader of Scripture. I took us in prayer and led it and closed out the conversation.  The fiery lady the next day wanted to know where my post was as I was answering the few questions she had.  I had stayed polite, caring in my responses, and she did apologize in her note to me and only learned of the take down as I was talked about in the church office. 

But, more came when my landlord, who also goes to the same church and is my ride there to and fro, who also was upset by all of the events towards me, also stating on my own FB site, I should not be censored by Elders.  It was a respectful, engaging article. But what she also divulged to me is that she under the influence of dialogue with the Pastor, that the Apostle Paul was wrong and that in cases we do not need to obey some of what he wrote especially since our world has changed.  I said WHAT???? I responded with the entirety of the Bible is God-breathed and is living and His word to us.  That it is our authority, we do not get the right to alter it and we are to live under its authority.  WOW!!!

I am home today as unwilling to be treated with being "crucified" on the church property.  But, know this, we who look for the Lord's return are and will face this much and more persecution.  I deeply appreciate you two ladies and continued watching and waiting. 

Health wise, I am racked full of diseases now with no human "pull-back".  I am on God's time table and looking forward to seeing our Savior.  Be safe always and looking up!

In the bond of love of our Lord and Savior,

Patty Hayes