Neil Lipken (25 Feb 2024)
"Where are you going when this life is over?"

If you wish to go to Heaven you must know Israel's long rejected Messiah as your Lord and Savior!   Ask Him into your heart today and reserve your place in Heaven!  There is no other way to get to Heaven, and Hell and later the Lake of Fire are terrifying, way beyond human comprehension!  Once you have asked Him into your heart, get out a Bible and read both the New and Old Testaments!  God's Word is both accurate and true!


P.S.  Remember my Jewish friends that God sent a JEWISH Savior (of the lineage of King David) into the world 2000 years ago to save us from our sins and give us eternal life!   The choice is yours, so choose wisely!  I made the right decision back in 1979, and it was most definitely by far the best decision of my life!

P.P.S.  You have my permission to send this email to anyone you wish among your family and friends.  If you are in my End Time Bible Prophecy Course at Church 52, I hope to be able to set a restart date in the not too distant future.  The hour is late in these End Times and the Rapture is most certainly approaching!