Neil Lipken (25 Feb 2024)
"Rapture Dream"

The first 2:40 minutes of this is sufficient.  This gentleman had a Rapture dream that the Rapture will be sometime this year, 2024.

I thought this was important enough to send out to my email recipients.  Israel in May of this year will be 76 years old from its return as a nation in 1948.  The "parable of the fig tree" in Scripture (Israel is God's fig tree--- Hosea 9:10) tells us that the "generation" to see Israel's return as a nation will see all end time events come to pass.  Including the upcoming 7 year Tribulation Period after the Rapture, the minimum from 1948 to the Second Coming is now 76 + 7 = 83 years.  Is that sufficient for a "generation"?  Personally I think so, which means the Rapture must now be drawing very near indeed!


P.S.  Also go to your "google search engine" and type in "Rapture dreams and visions".  Many will come up, all purporting that the Rapture is now very near!

P.P.S.  You really don't want to be left on earth after the Rapture!   The 7 year Tribulation Period will be a terrifying time, far worse than any previous time period in history!   Just read all of God's judgments upon the earth during that time period in the Bood of Revelation!  Not to mention satan's wrath on top of that!  WOW!  So, how does one get their ticket to the Rapture?  One must receive Israel's long rejected Messiah (Jesus) into their heart to be their Lord and Savior.  A simple meaningful prayer is sufficient!

P.P.P.S.  The weather in Heaven is always beautiful, so pack lightly!  LOL!

Oh, one more thing.  Are the churches telling their congregations that the Rapture is very near?  The vast majority---- NO!   There are scriptural reasons why but this email is long enough as is.