James Brownlow (25 Feb 2024)
""No One Can Know the Day ""


Leaving a Bible study a pastor friend , I will call him Stewart ,
reminded me that “ no one can know the day or hour”. Being short on
time and of slow wit , I initially ignored his remark . Here is my
delayed (and edited for Doves) response :

 Stewart had mentioned  " no one can know the day or hour " several weeks ago so I
thought I should explain my (peculiar) understanding of Mt 24:36. I
understand the Lord to be expanding on Daniel's prophecy in chapter
24. Daniel asked the same two questions that are asked  by the
disciples. When is Messiah coming ( back, your return in Mt.) and when
is the end ? "No one can know" is part of the Lord's response and he
references "the prophet Daniel ( whoso readeth ,let him understand)"
in verse 15. Daniel's answer is that the prophecy time is "sealed"
(can not be known) until the "time of the end"...Dan 12:9. (Then it
will be known)

The evidence that the Lord is confirming Daniel is several, I think.

First, both Daniel and Revelation list extensive day counts... 1260
days, 1290 days, 1335 days, 10 days. If the "day" can not be known ,
why are all these day counts listed ? And how do you separate the day
from the event as events are tied to dates ?

Second, the Lord uses two different words meaning "know" in Mt 24:33
(ginosko , meaning to know by study or with effort) ..."when you see
these things, know(ginosko) it is near even at the doors" v. 33 and 3
verses later……
(eido or oida , meaning to know intuitively, to perceive) v. 36  "of
that day and hour knoweth no man". Why has the Lord changed words
between verse 33 and 36? The second word meaning is knowing without
study, without effort, to perceive. Like , I know the sky is blue. No
study needed. I think the next verse following 36 "of that day and
hour knoweth (eido) no man...." confirms by several examples...

Third, examples illustrating that the day will be known. Verse 37,
immediately after saying "no man can know (without study, effort) is
Noah..."as in the days of Noah so shall the coming of the Son of man
be." And verse 40, 41. two men in the field and two women grinding at
the mill --- one of each example taken and one left behind. So Noah is
a perfect match to correspond to Daniel's answer. For years he knew no
date while building an ark. I am sure he desired to know. Then ....The
Lord says in " 7 days I will cause it to rain upon the earth...". Gen
7:4. Noah knew  the day at the time of the end. Likewise, I can not
imagine all 4 of those taken/left behind will not know the day they
were either taken or left behind. Imagine facing a co-worker in the
field and suddenly he vanished. His shoes, socks, clothing, underwear,
watch , and eyeglasses are all in a heap on the ground. His body is
gone. How would you not know the hour and day ? All the examples point
to knowing the day. But it might require study. (Study begins with an
interest , a hunger to know the Truth)
 Finally Doves , I just noticed : Verse 42 says “Watch therefore for you know not
what hour your Lord doth come. “ Matthew 24:42 . Bible verse 24,000.
“24 read forward and backwards. And one day is like a 1,000 years to
the Lord. 24 hours in a day. And this year is 24…..

 John Tng and Jim Bramlett  have (https://www.fivedoves.com/luke2136/tng411-1.htm  "Can we know when ?) " both have expounded some other reasons... v 36 is present tense not
future tense, the theology of watching, etc/......I think there is
growing interest in the subject partly due to the publication of Isaac
Newton's notes and studies ** in Daniel.

** Isaac Newtons studies on Daniel's Prophecy telling of the time of
Messiah's first (and second) coming can be found at
www.theseasonreturn.com/articles       around page 44, I think
God Bless !