I know that there has already been a lot of discussion on this already, but I would like to pose another question.First, I believe that Daniel's 70 weeks of years are actually that, 70 weeks of years.Also, that Daniel's 70th week is an actual 7 years.And that the last half of that week is 3½ years, in which the great tribulation will happen.That the antichrist is given power to continue for those same 42 months.And that those who flee to the wilderness, are fed there for 1260 days.So, when Jesus said the following:
Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
That does not mean that 3½ years, or 42 months, or 1260 days, no longer mean what they say, they are still 3½ years, 42 months, and 1260 days.
But my question is, since those periods are not shortened, what if the actual number of days that Israel suffers in the time of Jacob's trouble, is shortened?Could that not be reduced without affecting the length of those other three periods of time mentioned?