Donna,I have wondered, how muslims will be transformed from idol hating zealots, to worshipping the beast and his image.That is a super remarkable 180 degree turn.Yesterday, I heard a message by Nelson Walters discussing, "The most terrifyingEnd Time SIGN: the VOICE of the Antichrist".He used the example of Hitler, who said that speaking was far more effective than writing.Like, how could all those people, hearing about war, and terrible things about the Jews, get so excited, to cheer and praise him?They never would have responded like that, if they merely had read it in the newspaper.He showed that it is spiritual, where the speaker's spirit is inflaming the hearers' spirits, and possibly with the help of evil spirits.So, what will it be like when the antichrist speaks?Scriptures in Daniel, II Thessalonians, Revelation, etc. refer to his speaking, or what he says, how he says it.So, the antichrist will empowered by the devil, himself, aided by all those principalities and powers, cast out of heaven with him, in Revelation 12.Then, the LORD will also send strong delusion to those who received not the love of the truth.Then, like that evil spirit that offered to be in the mouth of the false prophets of Ahab, all kinds of evil spirits may be involved this time.So that they will all be deceived by the hypnotic voice of the antichrist, with all the spiritual deception and delusion driving them on.That, to me, helps explain, some, how even zealous muslims could actually turn to worship the antichrist and his image.What do you think?