Fay (4 Feb 2024)
"Illuminating Stuff. Vigilant Citizen."


Hi John and Doves,


A brilliant article - plus short videos - from the Vigilant Citizen. All about the WEF's 2024 Davos meeting. Honestly - these Davos people are seriously deranged. Power hungry to the point of total insanity. The fact that these WEF educated and empowered politicians have screwed up the world, seems to have passed them by. It's their policies that have messed everything up - not we - the ordinary, tax-paying public. Yet they plough on - oblivious to the obvious. That the world is doing an absolute whoopsie because of their policies, seems to pass them by. They are, quite literally, cognitively impaired. This reminds me of Almighty God sending Nebuchadnezzar insane. There is no other explanation. The fact that these NWO types are still surging forward with their agenda - regardless - shows their disconnection with the majority of the world's people.


I am convinced that Almighty God is making it obvious to the human race, just how deranged these power-hungry leaders are. Almighty God is showing the world just how evil and insane, they are. Even the most secular are sitting up and taking notice.


Please note the video with Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, adding her 2 cents worth of garbled word salad to the Davos idiots. This ties in with my other post about the European royals suddenly gaining an awful lot of media attention. I mean, really??? Nobody gives two seconds of attention to these so-called 'royals'. Yet they are suddenly being shoved down our throats. UGH! This is all akin to the Taylor Swift controversy that's currently raging. Alt., media is suggesting that the huge media attention to Ms Swift and her so-called 'world icon status' is to plug Joe Biden's/Democratic base in the 2024 election. This shouldn't surprise any of us. What is surprising is that they expect us all to fall for it. LOL.


The Top 6 Most Deranged Moments of the WEF’s 2024 Davos Meeting - The Vigilant Citizen


Please come, LORD Jesus.