Fay (4 Feb 2024)
"Amidst the Noise, Major Prophecy Unfolds"


Hi John and Doves,

With all the war rhetoric - the immigration crisis (invasion of our western cultures), ominous talk of conscription being reintroduced in the UK blah, blah, blah - this is the news that had me sitting bolt upright!

Our American friends may not be aware that David Cameron is a former Prime Minster of Britain. He resigned as a result of the Brexit Referendum. A referendum that did NOT go the way the globalists wanted. Cameron was forced to resign in embarrassment. This has proven not to be a major issue anymore as the current UK establishment simply got around the pesky problem by making David Cameron a Lord and then appointing him our new Foreign Secretary. Recently 'lord' Cameron has been busying himself in the Middle East - piling major pressure on Netanyahu to agree to a two-state solution. To his credit and courage, Netanyahu is not budging on his stance to stop this idiocy from taking place.

As a result, the pressure has changed direction. As per the article in the link, Cameron stated -: Britain will look at recognising a Palestinian state under diplomatic efforts to end the conflict with Israel. "We should be starting to set out what a Palestinian state would look like what it would comprise, how it would work" he said. "As that happens, we, with allies, will look at the issue of recognising a Palestinian state, including at the United Nations. This could be one of the things that helps to make this process irreversible".

Firstly - keep in mind that a Palestinian state demands that East Jerusalem is made the capital of a Palestinian state. What this press release is saying that the UK, with her allies (read the EU and USA) coupled WITH the United Nations, are preparing to force an 'irreversible' two-sate solution on Israel - whether Israel likes it or not.

UK will consider recognising Palestinian state to help end conflict – Cameron (msn.com)

This is Almighty God's RED LINE. This is what kicks off Armageddon.

Please come, LORD Jesus.