Fay (25 Feb 2024)
"Enough is really Enough"


Hi John and Doves,


After reading this drivel-ridden article, I finally reached rock bottom of my patience. Enough with the 'progressives' already. We have all had enough of the destruction Islam has brought to our nations. And then to be called 'Islamophobic' if we air our views. Aaarrgggh! Of course we are against Islam!!!  Flipping heck - as a woman - do I desire to live in a society that dictates how I should dress? Where and when I am allowed to go outside? To allow my husband to beat me, and accept my punishment with the perception that I am a lower being because I am female? It all makes me sick to my stomach. Yet these are the people and religions that our western 'progressives' want us to have pity on? What part of this twisted diatribe is the world not getting? The media won't even cover the fact that Islam will never tolerate homosexuality - yet western nations are experiencing rules that jail us for - God forbid - homophobia! Or - sin of sins - mis-gendering someone.  How duplicitous are our media? How hypocritical, obnoxious and manipulative?


Please come, LORD Jesus. PLEASE!


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