Fay (25 Feb 2024)
"This May be a Significant Pointer"


Hi John and Doves,


After watching Pastor Biltz' latest videos on the significance of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th, I got to thinking about how the December 14th, 2020 solar eclipse was the exact midpoint between the August 21st, 2017 eclipse over America and the eclipse in April 2024. Which then led my thoughts onto what happened 7 days later on December 21st, 2020. It was the close conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which the media were loudly trumpeting as 'The Christmas Star'.


The ‘Christmas Star’ appears again: Jupiter and Saturn align in the ‘great conjunction’ on Dec. 21, 2020 (theconversation.com)


I figured that this 'Christmas Star' conjunction happened exactly 40 months from the August 21st, 2017 solar eclipse. We are all aware that the number 40 signifies a period of judgement.  40 months can be read as 1,218 days, or 3 years and 4 months. I calculated 40 months forward from December 21st, 2020 and came to the date of April 21st, 2024.  This date just happens to be the day before Passover begins. I was rather blown away by this. For starters, the solar eclipse of December 14th, 2020 pointed us forward 1,211 days to the solar eclipse in April, 2024. The so-called Christmas Star occurred 7 days later. Is this pointing us towards the return of our King Jesus ( or something else) on Passover 2024?


It's good to remember that Biden took power in January 2021 - 30 days after the Christmas Star alignment and the USA (and the world) began a terrible downward slide from then on. These dates and numbers are definitely something to mull over.


Please come, LORD Jesus.