Fay (25 Feb 2024)
"Calls for Humanitarian Pause in Gaza (but not Ukraine). Go Figure!"


Hi John and Doves,


The hypocritical world politicians have got their knickers in a knot over the Palestinian cause but appear none too bothered about the human butchery that continues in Ukraine. I guess the war in Ukraine/Russia doesn't affect their pockets as much as the shipping crisis in the Red sea. 


An older friend of mine thinks that 'Israel have not done themselves any favours by their actions'. World opinion and all that. I informed him that it's not 'world opinion' that is slandering Israel. It's the lap-dog media. The legacy media are Israel's worst enemies. They are the world's worst enemies. I am in constant shock at how many ordinary people still believe what they read in the media.


26 EU Countries Call For Immediate 'Humanitarian Pause' In Gaza (But Not In Ukraine) | ZeroHedge