Donna Danna (4 Feb 2024)

This is reply to your 1/28 post ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST? - Last Luciferian 4th Beast Empire ( in which you stated the following:

"One finds it rather odd, and alarming is that it will not be the Muslims decapitating ‘Infidels’ but that it will be the Sanhedrin. How so? The core Tenets of the Luciferian New World Order will be ruled by the Noahide Laws."

Will the Real Messiah Please Stand-Up
"This Counsel of the 70 is to rule over such a coming Beast System once in place. And upon the breaking of the 1st Law, those found guilty will be decapitated. Period. Hello Guillotines."

According to the articles listed from below the Jewish Sanhedrin allowed beheading (decapitation) by the sword:

"Slaying: The convict having been fastened to a post, his head is severed from the body by a blow with a sword. Splitting the body or piercing it is not permitted; neither is it allowed to perform decapitation on a block (Sanh. vii. 3, 52b; Mek., Mishpaṭim, 4; Sifre, Deut. 94)." 
"Death by the sword (הרג, hereg) was issued in two cases: for wanton murder and for communal apostasy (idolatry). The perpetrators of these crimes were beheaded.[63]"

"The people of a wayward city have no share in the World to Come, as it says, (Deuteronomy 13:14) "Certain base fellows are gone out from the midst of thee, and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city." And they are not executed unless those leading them astray are from that city and are from that tribe; and unless the majority [of that city] is lead astray; and unless men led them astray. [If] women or minors led them astray; or they only led a minority [of the city] astray; or the ones leading them stray were from outside [the city]—[those led astray] are [considered as] individuals [who each committed idolatry], and [they consequently] require two witnesses and warnings for every one [for them to be liable for execution by the court]. This [law] is more severe with respect to individuals than to the many: individuals are [executed by] stoning, and therefore their property escapes [destruction], [whereas] the many are [executed] by the sword [i.e. by decapitation], and therefore their property is lost."

Sanhedrin 52b:8 (
"The mitzva of those who are killed, i.e., the process of execution by decapitation, is carried out in the following manner: The executioners cut off his head with a sword, the way that the monarchy does when a king sentences a person to death. Rabbi Yehuda says: This manner of execution is improper, as it degrades him. Rather, they place the head of the condemned on the block, and chop it off with a cleaver [bekofitz]. The Rabbis said to him: If you are concerned about his degradation, there is no death penalty more degrading than that. It is better for him to be executed in the manner described first."

"Since decapitation by the sword is written in the Torah, it is not from the gentiles that we learn it. This is Torah law, and the custom of the gentiles is not taken into consideration. It is of no import that they have a corresponding type of execution."

Sanhedrin 52b:13 with Connections (
"When it says: “And I will bring upon you the sword avenging the vengeance of the covenant” (Leviticus 26:25), you must say that vengeance is decapitation by the sword."

"And these are the transgressors who are killed by decapitation in the implementation of the court-imposed death penalty: The murderer; and the residents of an idolatrous city, all of whom engaged in idol worship."

As for the Roman Empire, they beheaded their citizens and their criminal non-citizens were usually crucified which is why the apostle Paul, a citizen of Rome was beheaded and the apostle Peter was crucified.

Beheading | History, Methods & Consequences of Capital Punishment | Britannica
"Beheading, a mode of executing capital punishment by which the head is severed from the body. The ancient Greeks and Romans regarded it as a most honourable form of death. Before execution the criminal was tied to a stake and whipped with rods. In early times an ax was used, but later a sword, which was considered a more honourable instrument of death, was used for Roman citizens."

"Lethal stoning and beheading in public under sharia is controversial for being a cruel form of capital punishment.[18][19] These forms of execution remain part of the law enforced in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, Iran and Mauritania. However no stoning has been implemented for many years.[20][21]

'Decapitation was a standard method of execution in pre-modern Islamic law. The use of decapitation for punishment continued well into the 20th century in both Islamic and non-Islamic nations.[22][23] When done properly, it was once considered a humane and honorable method of execution."

"Today, its use had been abandoned in most countries by the end of the 20th century. Decapitation is a legal method of execution in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, and was reportedly used in 2001 in Iran according to Amnesty International, where it is no longer in use.[24]"Decapitation was the normal method of executing the death penalty under classical Islamic law.[28] It was also, together with hanging, one of the ordinary methods of execution in the Ottoman Empire.[29]"
"Currently, Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world which uses decapitation within its Islamic legal system.[30] The majority of executions carried out by the Wahhabi government of Saudi Arabia are public beheadings,[31] which usually cause mass gatherings but are not allowed to be photographed or filmed.[32]"
"According to Amnesty, decapitation have been carried out by state authorities in Iran as recently as 2001,[30][33][34] but as of 2014 is no longer in use.[33] It is also a legal form of execution in Qatar and Yemen, but the punishment has been suspended in those countries.[30][35]"

A silver sword is used in public beheadings in Saudi Arabia.

"Extremist Salafi jihadist groups such as ISIS and Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad have used beheading as a method of killing captives. Since 2002, ISIS have circulated beheading videos as a form of terror and propaganda.[1][2] Their actions have been condemned by militant and other terrorist groups, as well as by mainstream Islamic scholars and organizations."

Even Hamas in Gaza, Israel beheaded some of their victims which must have been done by a sword.

So it is the Muslims who are still doing the beheading today, and the Jewish Sanhedrin laws also show beheading by a sword.