Donna Danna (25 Feb 2024)
"THE 7TH & 8TH HEADS ON THE BEAST - Caliph Ibrahim Was Not A Caliph Only 42 Months"

According to the 1/14/2024 post 
he must continue a short time. [as Caliph Ibrahim—SUNNI Islamic           State (ISIS)— reappearing as a substitute Caliph: June 29, 2014–Dec.     9, 2017, for 42 months.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
According to the article at Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Wikipedia Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri (28 July 1971 – 27 October 2019), commonly known by his nom de guerre Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was an Iraqi militant who was the first caliph[a] of the Islamic State (IS) from 2014 until his death. Also according to the article at this link he killed himself and his 2 children by a suicide bombing on Oct. 27, 2019 so he was not Caliph over a Caliphate for only 42 months nor 1,260 days from June 29, 2014 to Dec. 9, 2017; he was Caliph for 1,947 days from June 29, 2014 to Oct. 27, 2019 which is 64 months 27 days. See the quote below from the above page:

"On 27 October 2019, Baghdadi killed himself and two children by detonating a suicide vest during the Barisha raid, conducted by the United States following approval from President Donald Trump, in Syria's northwestern Idlib Province.["

Therefore, Caliph Ibrahim was not the beast of Rev. 13:3 & 13:12 "whose deadly wound was healed,"nor Rev.13: 14 "the beast which had a wound by the sword and did live." He died by a suicide bombing so Rev. 13:5 so doesn't apply to him as he wasn't given power to continue for 42 months nor does Rev. 13:8 below apply to him either.

Rev. 13:8 "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."  

All people on Earth didn't worship him 42 months prior to Oct. 27, 2019 when he died nor during the 42 months that he was a Caliph over a Caliphate.  If he was the beast (Antichrist) he would have been thrown alive into the lake of fire along with the false prophet upon the Lord Jesus' return to Earth after he continued for 42 months. Jesus has yet to return. The false prophet did not appear at that time either to do great signs and wonders nor did Caliph Ibrahim if he was the beast as the Antichrist do any signs or lying wonders either nor did anyone make an image of Caliph Ibrahim nor did they take his mark in their right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell.  So the beast in Rev. 13 is the person of the Antichrist who rules over a kingdom, and the 42 months in Rev. 13:5 does not apply to Caliph Ibrahim even though he was the Caliph over the Caliphate for the 42 months that it was in existence.

Although the Caliphate with territory no longer existed after Dec. 9, 2017, they still had Caliphs. According to the article at Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi - Wikipedia the 2nd Caliph of the Islamic state (ISIS) was Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi who was Caliph from Oct. 31, 2019 to Feb. 3, 2022 which is 827 days. "On 3 February 2022, al-Qurashi killed himself, and members of his family, by triggering a large bomb during a raid by the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command

On 10 March 2022, IS confirmed the death of Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi and declared that Abu al-Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi had assumed the position of caliph.[1]

According to the article Abu al-Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi - Wikipedia he was the 3rd Caliph from Feb. 4, 2022 to Oct. 15, 2022 and died in combat which means he was the Caliph for 254 days. "The United States Central Command confirmed that Abu al-Hassan killed himself by detonating a suicide vest during an operation carried out by former Free Syrian Army rebels which had aligned with government forces in Daraa Governorate in mid-October.[42]
"Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi (died 29 April 2023) was the fourth caliph[a] of the Islamic State and allegedly the first Syrian to serve as caliph.[6] He took office on 30 November 2022 so he was Caliph for 151 days."

According to  Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Qurashi - Wikipedia Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Qurashi is a militant and the fifth and current caliph[a]of the Islamic State. He was named as caliph on 3 August 2023, in an audio message by the spokesperson of IS, Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari, whose announcement came four months after the death of his predecessor Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi.  He is the current Caliph.

"According to War against the Islamic State - Wikipedia "As of December 2017, ISIL was estimated to control no territory in Iraq, and 5% of Syrian territory, after prolonged actions.[112] On 9 December 2017, Iraq declared victory in the fight against ISIL and stated that the War in Iraq was over.[113][114] On 23 March 2019, ISIL was defeated territorially in Syria after losing the Battle of Baghuz Fawqani, after which the group was forced into an insurgency.[115] ISIL's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, died during a US special operations raid in northern Syria in October 2019[116] and was succeeded by Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi. The United Nations estimated in August 2020 that over 10,000 ISIL fighters remained in Syria and Iraq, mainly as sleeper cells.[117]"

So even though the Islamic State was defeated on Dec. 9, 2017 and has no territory as a Caliphate, they still continue to have a Caliph.