Chance (4 Feb 2024)
"Biden Admin Pauses Funding to UNRWA"

Hello John and Doves,
It recently came out that employees of the U.N. (U.N. Relief and Works Agency - UNRWA - the agency that keeps the Palestinians as 'perpetual' refugees) participated in the October 7 attack on Israel.
President Trump had cut the funding to UNRWA because of their terrorist ties and their schools teaching Palestinian children to hate Israel and to hate Jews; and when Biden took office in 2021, he re-established funding.  No surprise there.  Since Biden took office he's funded them over $1 billion dollars!!  Ignoring intelligence on where the funding was going - to Hamas. 
Of course, the U.N. isn't happy about this.  BUT they get to conduct their OWN investigation with their "U.N. Office of Internal Oversight Services" - what a joke.  Israel said UNRWA will not be allowed in Gaza when the war ends.  Nine other countries, along with the U.K. and Germany have suspended funding.  The U.S. was the largest donor at more than $340 Million in 2022.
UN chief urges donors to reconsider UNRWA funding withdrawal | United Nations | The Guardian
"U.S. intelligence agencies have previously warned that funding provided to UNRWA for Palestinian aid had a risk of being diverted to Hamas.  The Biden administration was aware of these warnings and chose to grant funding anyway."
With this new information about UNRWA employees, "the Biden administration announced Friday it was pausing funding for UNRWA"....along with the staffers who participated in October 7 attack, "over a thousand staffers were discovered to have ties to Hamas or Islamic jihadist terrorist groups."
I'm sure this was all known by the UN and UNRWA and the U.S. - as numerous reports have come out over the years on UNRWA's actions and behavior in the area.
So now UNRWA is making "an urgent appeal" for public donations.
Hope they get very few donations.  The U.S. needs to get out of the U.N. - this is just ONE example why.
UNRWA has been in trouble before - back in November 2021, UNRWA failed to "fulfill demands for reform" in their educational programs for Palestinian children - "Eliminating antisemitism, incitement and links to terrorism might sound like obvious conditions for a U.N. agency whose slogan is "Peace Stars Here".  But it's far from clear whether these are conditions - especially applied to UNRWA's educations programs - the organization will be able to fulfill."  
"UNWRA operates 58 refugee camps and 715 schools fro more than half a million boys and girls in Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan.  Originally designed as a TEMPORARY agency, URWRA is now one of the largest U.N. organizations, employing some 30,000 people and serving around 5.7 million Palestinian refugees, nearly all of them descendants of the original refugees. ((Thus the "perpetual refugees" comment above)).    UNRWA is suppose to "teach children values of peace, tolerance, and nonviolent conflict resolution...Yet according to various studies of the Palestinian curriculum which is taught by UNRWA in the Palestinian territories, the agency is falling far short of that goal.  Textbooks depict Jews as enemies of Islam, glorify so-called martyrs who have died while committing acts of terror attacks and promote jihad for the liberation of historic Palestine, including areas firmly within Israel's pre-1967 borders, such as Jaffa and Haifa.  Maps of the region do not include the state of Israel, which throughout the curriculum is referred to as "the Zionist Occupation".
UNRWA's Palestinian Schools Have a Problem—and Are Running Out of Time
In the Ask Project I wrote about a while back, all the Palestinians questioned said there could never be two-states - the land, all of the land belonged to them.  UNRWA perpetuates this.  That's their job.
There is no way the Biden administration was not aware of all of this and more.  This is part of their 'funded' effort to undermine Israel's presence in the Middle East.  To perpetuate the hate of Palestinians against Jews.  This is purposeful.
Just like Biden is using weapon deliveries to pressure Netanyahu on Gaza.  "At the direction of the White House, the Pentagon has been reviewing what weaponry Israel has requested that could be used as leverage..."
Biden administration discussing slowing some weaponry deliveries to Israel to pressure Netanyahu
Biden, Blinken, et al want Netanyahu to decide in favor of the two state solution.  To divide Israel.
I'm really surprised that funding was paused by the U.S. - guess it was just out in the news a bit too much about these UNRWA employees for Biden's people to not do this - especially since it's well known how much Biden has funded these people! 
The U.N. investigation will show it's all a lie, false accusations by the Zionist state, and the funding will resume - with back pay.  That's my prediction.  And in the mean time, the Biden admin will find a way to get the money to Hamas, opps - I mean to 'the Palestinian people'.
This administration wants Israel and Jews gone.  And they are paying over $1 billion via the U.N. to create division, hate and jihad to do this.
This is all an attack on God.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!