Chance (4 Feb 2024)
"Iran Launches Satellite With Message and Donna Danna"

Hello John and Doves,

In this article CBN wrote about an "Islamic religious verse referring to Shiite Islam's 12th hidden Imam written on the side of the rocket".  It did not say which verse.  Another article in Haaretz said they had written "We Can." in Persian on the rocket - yet when I use google translate for "We Can" to Persian  ما میتوانیم
Here's the missile/rocket with the article - but it may be a photo from an archive.  
Iran launched a new research satellite into an orbit 750 kilometers above the Earth! [vid] - WarNews247
There were three satellites launched on one rocket/missile.  The Simorgh rocket can place multiple payloads into orbit.  The Simorgh is 27 m long and about 2 m in diameter.
"Iran said Sunday it successfully launched three satellites into space...the latest for a program that the West says improves Tehran's ballistic missiles.  The launch comes as heightened tensions grip the wider Middle East over Israel's continued war on Hamas int he Gaza Strip, sparking fears of a regional conflict."
Iran launches three satellites into space | AP News
We have no idea what's really on this rocket or what they really put into the upper atmosphere.  Like a nuclear weapon which could set off an EMP blast over the U.S.
Our leaders believe that appeasing and bribing Iran will keep Iran in check.  We can see how well Obama/Biden's strategy is working.....
CBN Article:
In this article on CBN:  "Also on Saturday, the Iranian regime launched a new Soraya satellite into orbit.  It's now positioned 460 miles above the Earth's surface.  Footage from the rocket launch revealed an Islamic religious verse referring to Shiite Islam's 12th hidden Imam, also known as the "mahdi" or "Muslim messiah", written on the side of the rocket."
Haaretz Article:
In this article on Haaretz, they report that "The footage (of the launch) showed the rocket launched Sunday bore the slogan "We Can" in Farsi, likely referring to the previous failures."   No Islamic verse is mentioned.
Iran Launches Three Satellites Into Space, Signaling Increased Capabilities as Mideast Tensions Rise - Middle East News -
Zechariah 5:
Writing on objects to be sent up into the upper atmosphere reminded me of Zechariah:
The "Vision of the Flying Scroll" specifically. 
I have read a couple of studies done on this chapter where the authors looked at the dimensions given of the scroll:  twenty cubits long and ten cubits wide. Using the formula for the circumference of a circle C = pie x d  Their conclusion was this is about the size of an ICBM.  The below link/article has a cubit as 52.5 cm or 0.525 m for the 'cubit of the Sanctuary'.  20 cubits would be 10.5 m. "The width (unrolled) of the scroll is 10 cubits (5.25 m); using the formula for circumference of a circle - "the diameter of the flying roll will be 1.67 m.  In other words, the flying cylinder is 10.5 m long and 1.67 m wide."
The author wrote that Shinar written about in this chapter of Zechariah is Iran.
The Iranian Khorramshahr-4 medium - range missile is 13 m - long with a diameter of 1.5 m.
Khorramshahr Ballistic Missile, Iran
Pretty close to the above estimate of the scroll - and we don't know the exact length of a 'cubit'.  

When I was looking at the parallel verses of Zechariah 5:3 - on
Zechariah 5:3 Then he told me, "This is the curse that is going out over the face of all the land, for according to one side of the scroll, every thief will be removed; and according to the other side, every perjurer will be removed.)
.the New International Version translates it:
 "And he (the angel talking to Zechariah) said to me, "This is the curse that is going out over the whole land, for according to what it says on one said "every thief shall be banished", and according to what is says on the other "everyone who swears falsely will be banished." (quotation marks are mine). 
In Zechariah 5:4, the Lord says He will send this out to the house of the thief and to anyone who swears falsely by my name.  There is a 'basket' or ephah in the scroll - in the basket sat a woman.  The studies said woman and fire in Hebrew differ by a dot.  And this has been mistranslated as woman - it should be fire.  That makes more sense - the lead lid covers the fire (not the woman).  The lead lid covers something radioactive...?
In Zechariah 5:11, we are told that when this is prepared - they will set it there in the land of Shinar.  Shinar is the region of Iraq and Iran.
So this 'scroll' could be a missile - an ICBM - with 'fire' contained in basket - which is the word "ephah" - with a lead lid. 
Ephah comes from the Hebrew root group  עוף ('up).  "The root עוף ('up) reflects the idea that in nature wings arose not with the objective to fly but rather with the objective to protect."  So the wings on the scroll could be to protect what's being carried inside.  "The verb עוף ('up) essentially means to use fly or fly away.  
Ephah | The amazing name Ephah: meaning and etymology
So the 'basket' is to protect the 'fire' in the flying scroll.
This seems to be describing a nuclear missile.
I suppose the IRG are the only ones who really know what this says and means.
It is known that satellites can carry nuclear weapons that can create EMPs..
This article states the satellite (named Sorayya which means Pleiades) was placed in orbit at 750 kilometers above the Earth.  And this is a "research" satellite.  The West is aware that these satellite systems could be used for "technologies that can be interchanged with those used in ballistic missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead."  Developed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.
"Iran launched three satellites simultaneously...The trio of satellites consisted of two communications and navigation cubesats known as Keihan 2 and Hatef 1 and a third satellite known as Mehda" - a research satellite.
Iran launches 3 satellites on Simorgh rocket's 1st successful orbital launch | Space
If Zechariah has told us about an ICBM will be placed in Iran...that these are "the curse that is going out over the face of the whole earth.."  Zechariah 5:3  The Lord said that "I will send it will destroy the house, its timbers and stones."  So this gets launched on 'someone'.  
The translations seem a bit 'rough' - when something doesn't make sense, I wonder if it's been translated correctly.  This flying 'scroll' goes into the house of the thief and anyone who swears falsely by God's name. Who is that?  I'm wondering if this gets launched on Iran as it goes to the land of Shinar.  Or maybe it gets launched on the U.S. coming from the land of Shinar.  Definitely something 'missing' in the translation.
"ICBMs can be used to deliver nuclear weapons, and Iran has vowed to destroy both the U.S. and Israel."
Iran Wreaking Mideast Havoc, Launches Satellite with Reference to 'End Times' Islamic Mahdi | CBN News
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!