Chance (25 Feb 2024)
"Researchers Create Aerosolized COVID Vaccine."

Hello John and Doves,
THEY are bound and determined to get everyone 'infected' with their man-made 'gene therapy' mRNA "vaccines".
Researchers Create Aerosolized COVID Vaccine.
This article is dated February 24, 2024.  
"Yale University researchers have created a new airborne method of delivery for mRNA vaccines which they believe will radicalize the way people are vaccinated in the near future."  Vaccination via nasal sprays - two doses "a prime and a boost, intranasally..."
Their new delivery system is "potentially also good for gene replacement therapy in diseases like cystic fibrosis and gene editing."
"The issues also raises questions aerosolized vaccines being deployed without people's consent or awareness.  Biotechnologists have argued for years in respectable academic publications that "compulsory moral bioenhancement should be covert."

Polymer nanoparticles deliver mRNA to the lung for mucosal vaccination | Science Translational Medicine
Add this to my other letter today to Doves on the history of biological weapons - they've already done the experiments that show them how to best spread 'what they want' for maximum uptake by the unsuspecting public.  For example, in subways, in city streets, and dispersal off the coast via ships.....  They've done all kinds of aerosol research for spreading biological and chemical weapons.
THEY really are looking for ways of mass vaccination - and Disease X is right around the corner.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!