Steve Mullin (12 Feb 2023)
"Total solar eclipse in April 2024"

Been reflecting on the potential timing of the call that the bridegroom is coming. There has to be a period of time after the rapture but before the 7 year tribulation, right? It seems very unlikely to me that the confirming of the seven-year covenant and the disappearance of the church happens on the same day. Seems more likely that the rapture happens, the world panics, and then the New World Order and AC emerge, which is followed shortly after by the confirming.

The reason I'm mentioning this is because of the very rare total solar eclipses in 2017 and then again in 2024 in April that make an X over the United States. In the Bible, there are two 7-year periods in Joseph's era--one of surplus, and one of famine. There are also two 7-year periods of Jacob working for Laban to marry his first love Rachel. After he works for 7 years to marry her, her father Laban offers Leah, the older sister and says in order to marry Rachel, Jacob would have to work another 7 years, which he does.

God mentions in his word that the signs in the heavens are signs of what's coming and warnings. We are approximately a year away from that total solar eclipse. Seems very possible to me that the rapture could occur any day, especially this upcoming Passover April 5th, which is followed by chaos and anarchy until the government steps in and the AC confirms the covenant. Curious what your thoughts are.

Steve M