Lewis Brackett (26 Feb 2023)
"The Ashbury revival ... is it of God ?"

Thing is, many in the  Bible Believing Baptist KJV churches have this
question.  Where is the preaching here?  Are great men of God
expounding the Word of God to those at this revival? this was how all
previous great awakenings happened.
  Is Ashbury revival  just  done in the flesh only being about
feelings, that any doctrine is OK?  Is it  just a spiritual
experience?  This is where the Baptist KJV churches differ from some
other charismatic churches.
    Emotional highs  can lead to accepting whatever loose doctrine the
pastor is teaching later in the service.     There have been several
similar emotional revivals  recently where this is/ was the case.  All
this leads Us to think that this is a fleshly  ecumenical type
deception that leads people away from finding salvation in repentance
realizing we are sinners, and accepting, choosing Jesus as Lord and