Gino (26 Feb 2023)
"give up for lent?"

Back when I was catholic, before I was saved, I would have really like to have, for lent, given up going to confession.
But, that is not looked on very favorably, there.
However, there was a fellow student at the school where a number of my friends went, that had a better idea.
He had been saved for a few years, and went to Bible college.
He decided to go back and visit the catholic church, since he had left it after he was saved.
He went into the confessional box, and started with something like, "bless me father for I have sinned, it's been about six years since my last confession".
When the priest asked him why it was so many years, he said loudly, "because I got saved!  and I'm washed in the blood!!"
Of course he was immediately put out of the church.