Gerry Almond (26 Feb 2023)

February 25, 2023


Spring is merely 23 days away on March 20, 2023. Spring once more opens the Song of Solomon chapter 2 and verses 10-13 for fulfillment by rapture. These verses say “My Beloved spake and said unto me, Rise up, My love, My fair one, and come away. For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, My love, My fair one, and come away”.

This is very prophetic, I believe, and speaks of the rapture of the Philadelphia Christian Bride. When, in Israel, are these things? The spring equinox begins the journey of the awakening of the flora and fauna herein. The almond tree has already blossomed, having done so in February in Israel.

Consider, if you will, the birth of our Lord. I have posted before my belief that He was born on December 25. I used the gematria of His first and second names as given in the gospel of Matthew, chapter 1 and verse 21. “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins”. Herein is found His name in His first ministry, that of the lowly Lamb of God. Gematria yields the number values of the names, that is Jesus = 888 and Savior = 14. His total life from conception to death was 12,432 days (888 x 14 = 12,432). He died on a Passover in the year 33. That year the Passover was on April 3. Counting back 12,432 days comes to the spring equinox in the year 00. That was Gabriel's announcemt to the virgin Mary. Counting forward 280 days for the gestation period gives His birth date as December 25, 00.

I firmly believe that our rapture will occur within the signs of the Song of Songs. I also believe that Jesus was giving us the timing of the second rapture in John 4:35. “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh the harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” The Lord was at the well where He spoke to the Samaritan woman and the wheat harvest was four months away, but the barley was already ripe and the fields already white. The Lord was giving us, I think, the timing of the rapture that is described in the Song of Solomon chapter 6 and verse 12, the Laodicea Christian Bride. The time element between the two raptures, that of Philadephia and that of Laodicea is to be 4 months or one hundred and twenty days.

The Laodicea Christian Church will be left behind at the rapture of the Philadephia Christian Church. Those ready ones, who have heeded the warnings and have made ready are Philadelphia. Those in the world, saved, but not ready, will be left behind to “work out their salvation with fear and trembling” as required of all Church ages. It is my belief that these left behind ones will be in transformed bodies, however, and will be used to bring in a harvest of souls that no man will be able to number. Thank God. It will be just before the kingdom of the beast, the antichrist. I Corinthians 15:51 ff speaks of the transformation of these left behind Christians. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye...transformed.

I highly suspect that the rapture that we are looking for will occur in this year, 2023. I also suspect that it will date from the lockdown caused by Covid 19 in America. That occurred on January 21, 2020 in Washington state. This count supposes that January 21, 2020 began the first half of the seventieth week of Daniel's prophecy, known to Christians as the tribulation period with covid and tribulation being almost synonymous terms, and which will run for a total of 1.260 days. I think the harvest of souls is done in this first half of the prophecy of Daniel. I also suspect that the great harvest of souls must be over and finished before the antichrist can rise to full power. His rise is the second half of the prophecy of Daniel. It is called the great tribulation. It may come July 4th.

The count of time is calculated this way: 1,260 days less 120 days harvest = 1,140 days.

January 20/21, 2020 covid appears plus 1.140 days = March 5/6, 2023. (our rapture?)

Add 120 days (four months) for harvest of souls = 1,260 days on July 3/4, 2023.

Laodicea's rapture /sudden destruction day is to be the eve of an American Parade Day as confirmed by many watchers. Nicole Poon foresaw this in her cartoon prophecies.

My speculation, of course, but at least worth a look.


Gerry Almond